Mark Volkmann a écrit :
> For example, here's some code that I don't
> know how to rewrite in a way that I find self-explanatory:
> (every?
>     #(<= (- (apple %) +grid-size+) (head %) (+ (apple %) +grid-size+))
>     [+x-index+ +y-index+]))
> And here's another one:
> (assoc snake :body
>     (cons
>       (vec (map #(+ (dir %) ((first body) %)) [+x-index+ +y-index+]))
>       (if grow body (butlast body)))))
> Perhaps using your suggestion to go back and use a map with :x and :y
> keys instead of a two-element vector to represent x/y coordinates
> would help a little, but I'm still not sure the code would be
> immediately obvious.
I think it would be clearer if we get rid of indexing:

(every? #(<= (- *grid-size*) % *grid-size*)
  (map - apple head)))


(assoc snake :body
      (map + dir (first body))
      (if grow body (butlast body)))))


(defn paint [graphics [x y] color]
  (.setColor graphics color)
  (.fillRect graphics x y *grid-size* *grid-size*))

As a bonus, it works with any number of dimensions :-)


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