I hesitate to extend this unpleasant thread, but here's a relevant
post that definitely takes a stand on the commenting issue:


As usual with Steve, it's a funny post, so I hope nobody takes it too
seriously :)


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Tom Ayerst <tom.aye...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "'Redundant comments are useless' is the mantra of the dilettante, the
> amateur, and the cowboy."dilettante, the amateur, and the cowboy"", ouch.
> Redundant comments are... redundant (hence the name), and a support overhead
> and a source of misunderstanding if they are not updated in line with the
> code.  If you are writing code that will be read by people familiar with the
> language and idioms and using meaningful names then a small number well
> targeted comments are usually enough (Personally I do like a comment on each
> function saying what it is for, doc strings look like the right solution for
> this).
> Having said that; redundancy is a matter of context and I could use more
> comments and meaningful variables in example code, I am acquainted with
> Scheme so I can work my way through, but it is easy to get lost in the
> homogeneous syntax and unfamiliar constructs and idioms.
> When trying something new the fewer gumption traps the better and it is
> important to make sure information is to hand, this could be done through
> repetition or by the application of a little more indirection; earlier in
> the thread Mark asked if people would be aware of how to set up a clj
> script, good question and a link to the place that explains how, when you
> need it, would be very useful.
> Personally I don't think we need standards and stuff, what we need is some
> more "code with training wheels" (lots comments and links taking you through
> it very gently).  That is not really Rich's job, he is to busy inventing the
> thing, I think Mark's evolving example is great and a few more like it
> covering other areas would be fine things and I hope to add to them myself
> when I am a bit more familiar with Clojure.
> That was a bit more rambling than planned.
> Happy New Year
> Tom
> 2008/12/31 Simon Brooke <still...@googlemail.com>
>> On Dec 29, 3:15 am, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Dec 28, 8:13 pm, "Mark Volkmann" <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I'll not argue for making code harder to read, but I have to object to
>> > most of your example.
>> >
>> > Making something 4x longer does not make it easier to read.
>> >
>> > Redundant comments are useless.
>> This is the excuse continually trotted out by people too lazy to
>> comment, or who think themselves superior to merely mortal programmers
>> who have to work in teams and actually communicate with people.
>> Redundancy in communication is almost never redundant; think of it as
>> a checksum.
>> ...
>> 'Redundant comments are useless' is the mantra of the dilettante, the
>> amateur, and the cowboy.
> >

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