On Dec 29, 3:15 am, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 28, 8:13 pm, "Mark Volkmann" <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll not argue for making code harder to read, but I have to object to
> most of your example.
> Making something 4x longer does not make it easier to read.
> Redundant comments are useless.

This is the excuse continually trotted out by people too lazy to
comment, or who think themselves superior to merely mortal programmers
who have to work in teams and actually communicate with people.
Redundancy in communication is almost never redundant; think of it as
a checksum. When you listen to someone talking naturally and
explaining something, you'll almost always find they express the same
idea multiple times in different forms of words. Why? It makes certain
that it is clear.

I'm not denying there are occasions where comments add nothing to the
reader's understanding of the code. But they are usually not cases
where the comment repeats (in English or some other natural language)
what is being expressed in Lisp or Java or XSLT or whatever.
Repetition is not in itself bad. On the contrary, it can be explicitly
good, because places where what's written in the comment describes
something different from what's described in the code are probably
places for bugs.

I've never, in my life, worked with another programmer who commented
too much. I've once in my life worked with another programmer who
commented enough. In my experience, if you take over someone else's
code either to maintain it or to integrate it or to reuse components
from it, you're normally in for a huge learning process which would
have been obviated simply by adequate commenting.

'Redundant comments are useless' is the mantra of the dilettante, the
amateur, and the cowboy.

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