My two cents...

Comments are worse since Javadoc came to life, up to date or not.

Most of the time they do not describe the behaviour of the class in
depth and you have to get the source code 
on your screen.

We replaced quality by quantity. If I want to find the signature of a
function I can always read the code,
assuming I have access to it of course.

I would expect much more from Javadoc than class fields and member
function signatures but this would require
discipline from dev people to add significant and useful comments in
their code.

Javadoc is an evil tool, it gives the impression that your system is
documented because it easily spits out
garbage... but it's only garbage, not worth anything when you're trying
to fix a problem that requires
a broader knowledge than the 25 code lines scope on your screen.

In the mid 80's I and others in a Fortran dev. team created a super
javadoc. This beast was spitting out a FULL
document in the editor used by office people.

You would write comments in the code that were extracted and you would
get a readable well formatted
document after running the tool. Without the comments, the document
looked ... empty and ugly.
Missing items were as obvious as a nose in a face.

Easier for code reviewer to control that, no need to read the code, read
the document. If it does not make sense 
then go back to the coder.

Coders had to add decent comments since the conventions were not only
based on what you extract from the code
(like javadoc) but also what is expected in comments so the document
text content gets filled with decent content.
When you force the coder to enter comments to fil a chapter
introduction, well he/she has no choice.

Of course it looks like if creating code is twice as complex but in fact
you saved time when you need a system to be
described very precisely. It also insured that comments were meaningful
and in synch. with the code.

If no decent comments are added in the code, then were is the knowledge
and how can it be shared ?

After 20 years of dev, I dropped javadoc entirely, comments are now
minimal (function description, oddities in the code)
and I COMPENSATE with external doc (a real document). Why should I
bother to get clear documentation in the code since
most of the world out there does not care about it ? Best proof, almost
nobody does it these days.

External doc at least gives an explanation of the design and structure.
It does not even have to be fully in synch with
the code. Even outdated it is a better starting point for someone to
learn how to navigate in application internals.
You get a sense of what the designers wanted to achieve and how. Then
when you get to code, it's much more
easier because you have a broader picture and can make sense of what you
are reading.

You can review it once every year and that's enough. Most of the time
you already have some basic material about the
things that changed or were added. It's just a matter of reorganizing

I fully agree ultimately code is the thing that runs... not your
comments or your documentation.
Many people still speculate about system behaviour from the comments
they read and eventually derive  
plans from this. Bad mistake... go to the code for your own sake.


On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 08:41 -0800, Daniel Eklund wrote:

> > This is the excuse continually trotted out by people too lazy to
> > comment, or who think themselves superior to merely mortal programmers
> > who have to work in teams and actually communicate with people.
> > Redundancy in communication is almost never redundant; think of it as
> > a checksum. <snip>....
> A checksum should be trusted.  Comments sometimes cannot.
> Since you brought up the issue with working in teams, I will submit my
> decade and a half of experience coding in 'enterprise' team
> environments (my chosen hell).  I have built upon and maintained Java
> code that has grown through accretion of various consulting
> organizations, and I never trust comments.  Even with third party
> (supposedly stable) APIs, I have had  (more than once) to open up the
> code to discover that the javadocs are out of date and incorrect.  I
> do my bit; I try to maintain my comments, but I never trust.  The code
> IS the answer, always.
> > 'Redundant comments are useless' is the mantra of the dilettante, the
> > amateur, and the cowboy.
> I believe the मन्त्र 'comments are useless'  is more cowboy-like, not
> 'redundant comments are useless'.  If not, what about the phrase
> 'useless comments are useless'?
> > 

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