Hey everyone. I've been keeping up with developments in Clojure for a
few months now and have a question for all you long-time static typers
out there (I know you're there :)

I really like what I read about Clojure and LISP in general and can
see the potential for great power and flexibility. I know the
advantages/disadvantages of static vs dynamic languages but I can't
help feeling like I'm losing something whenever I try Clojure. I am
admittedly brainwashed after years of C, C++ and Java but I miss the
warm fuzzies when I know the compiler has checked all the types for me
and I don't have to worry about a whole class of run-time errors. I'm
willing to give that up for the advantages Clojure gives me but I was
wondering how others have dealt with the loss of these static warm
fuzzies. I always feel a bit lost in Clojure, not knowing what types a
function expects or what it will return. I suppose this goes away in
time but any advice is appreciated.


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