Here is the code. Each row of data is a string with @ between the
three types of data i mentioned.
-Row Number
-Heading info List
-Actual Info List
The Heading Info List is created by splitting on , as is the Actual
info list.

(import '(java.io InputStreamReader OutputStreamWriter))
(use '[clojure.contrib.duck-streams])
(import '(java.io File))

(def my-row-data-file "e:/SoccerData/rowdata.txt")
(def my-map-file "e:/SoccerData/map-data.txt")

(defn get-idx-of [inp-data inp-name]
        (loop [my-count 0 inner-data inp-data]
                        (= (count inner-data) 0) -1
                        (= inp-name (first inner-data)) my-count
                        (recur (+ 1 my-count) (rest inner-data))

(defn do-the-date-bigint [inp-date-string]
        (let [date-array (.split inp-date-string "/")]
                (str    "20" (nth date-array 2)
date-array 1)
date-array 0)


(defn get-key-instance [inp-key-names inp-row-data]
        (loop [my-inner-vector (first inp-key-names) inner-key-names (rest
                        (= (count inner-key-names) 0) (cons inp-key-names (vec 
(reverse my-
                        (let [index-row (get-idx-of (nth inp-row-data 1) (first 
                        (if (== index-row -1) ()
                        (recur  (cons (nth (last inp-row-data) index-row)

(defn produce-date-rn-array [inp-row-data]
        [(do-the-date-bigint (nth (nth inp-row-data 2) (get-idx-of (nth inp-
row-data 1) "Date")))
        (nth inp-row-data 0)] (catch Exception e []

(defn update-map-list [inp-map inp-new-array inp-row-data inp-key-
        (loop [inner-key-names-list inp-key-names-list inner-map inp-map]
                        (= (count inner-key-names-list) 0) inner-map
                (let [inner-key-instance (get-key-instance (first 
list) inp-row-data)]
                                (rest inner-key-names-list)
                                (assoc-in inner-map inner-key-instance
                                        (sort-by #(first %) (cons inp-new-array 
(get-in inner-map inner-

(defn process-row-str[inp-row-str]
        (loop [inner-array (rest (.split inp-row-str "@")) inner-list [(first
(.split inp-row-str "@"))]]
                        (= (count inner-array) 0) (reverse inner-list)
                        (recur  (rest inner-array)
                                                        (cons (.split (first 
inner-array) ",") inner-list)

(defn process-row-data-file [inp-key-names-list]
        (with-open [rdr (reader my-row-data-file)]
                (loop [inner-row-data (line-seq rdr) my-inner-map {}]
                                (= (count inner-row-data) 0) my-inner-map
                                (recur  (rest inner-row-data)
(update-map-list my-inner-map
(process-row-str (first inner-
                                                (process-row-str (first 

On Apr 27, 9:34 pm, "Dimiter \"malkia\" Stanev" <mal...@gmail.com>
> Unless you provide some kind of isolated source code that reproduces
> the problem, I don't think it is going to be easy to help you out.
> But try adding "(doall ..)" to some your "map" calls and others.
> Even better, look at this excellent explanation why this might be
> happening by Cristophe 
> Grand:http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_frm/thread/43f9a716f1f9...
> Also check whether you don't have recursive functions (replace them
> with loop/recur), or mutually recursive ones (for them, you would have
> to use mutual exclusion). But I doubt that was the problem, more
> likely the default lazy mode of clojure, and what Cristophe was
> talking about is probably connected to your problem.
> On Apr 27, 1:07 pm, "fitzpatrick...@googlemail.com"
> <fitzpatrick...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am working with a very long list and populating it to a map. What i
> > have is three pieces of data from the list;
> > -Row Number
> > -Heading info List
> > -Actual Info List
> > note: both the Heading Info List and Actual Info List have the same
> > number of elements as each heading name will have a corresponding
> > actual value.
> > I define a headingnamelist which is a list of headings to be used to
> > generate the keys.
> > I iterate through the list and for each row look up each of the
> > heading names in the Heading Info List to get an index of where a
> > particular element should be in the Actual Info List and then i go and
> > get this from the Actual Info List and use this as part of my key.
> > With the key i write the Row Number to the map. If the key is already
> > there i just cons it to the exiting map value.
> > As i said it is quite a large list and i keep getting a stack
> > overflow. For comparison purposes i ran a similar program in python
> > and it ran in a matter of seconds.
> > Has anybody any ideas why this is happening?
> > tks,
> > PJ
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