thanks.  I do grok, vim.  the other point is less about what to do once it
is all set up ... it's that setting up is a multi-step hurdle.  That's what
has been prohibitive for folks.  The risk is sinking the time and ending up
at some sort of dead end.  For me, i had to hack like crazy, for example to
get up through the the rlwrap point in one set of instructions.  seems
simple enough but compiling all the dependencies was a killer... required
though in my case -- ports not working.  So I was pretty much out of steam
after 8 hours just as I was seeing all the VimClojure instructions.  You are
all right that it is a bunch of whining on my part, but remember that it's
not just me.  I represent a demographic.

I agree that all the progress being made is awesome.

was mostly asking if that piece happened to have been done yet . . . . a vim
analogue of clojurebox for Windows and Mac.

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 07.06.2009 um 14:26 schrieb e:
>  if someone just has a vimclojure set up for mac/tiger (and one for
>> Windows) that can somehow be bundled, I'd be interested.  I still haven't
>> settled into any sort of reliable/intuitive environment for developing in
>> clojure -- it's by far the biggest hurdle to everyone I know trying to get
>> into it.
> Please keep in mind: VimClojure does not claim
> to be an intuitive environment for Clojure per se.
> It tries to be intuitive for *Vim* users. If you weren't
> exposed to vim before, you will probably have
> a hard time getting started.
> Similar applies to emacs+SLIME. Also ClojureBox
> doesn't change that in my opinion. At a first look
> you might have a quick start, but then still there
> is the emacs hiding underneath. And no, I don't
> think, that emacs is more intuitive than vim...
> Netbeans and Eclipse (and probably IntelliJ) finally
> aren't masters of Intuition also.
> So what a "intuitive" environment is, mostly depends
> on your background. You are a Java hacker and
> grok Netbeans? Choose enclojure! You hacked the
> Linux kernel with Vim? Choose VimClojure! You
> have a CL background and are a SLIME guru?
> Well, choose emacs.
> If non of the above applies, you probably have to
> take the pill and learn one the environments. If you
> just want to get started with Clojure, use a simple
> text editor of your liking and a repl running in the
> shell/command prompt window. This works quite
> well and it forces you to think about the namespace
> structure etc. Friction caused by not-knowing the
> environment almost vanishes.
> Claiming that not having a full-fledged environment
> stops someone from using the language is a lame
> excuse. Neither Perl nor Python nor pick-your-lang
> had a full-fledged env two years after first public
> appearance. Still people managed to develop using
> them.
> That said, I think the current fauna of environments
> for Clojure is very rich. Each fills its own niche.
> Sincerely
> Meikel

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