
Am 04.09.2009 um 00:00 schrieb ronen:

Im also not getting Clojure when calling :nmap,

n  <NL>        * /<+.\{-1,}+><CR>c/+>/e<CR>
n  \gp         * :GitPullRebase<CR>
n  \gc         * :GitCommit<CR>
n  \gA         * :GitAdd <cfile><CR>
n  \ga         * :GitAdd<CR>
n  \gl         * :GitLog<CR>
n  \gs         * :GitStatus<CR>
n  \gD         * :GitDiff --cached<CR>
n  \gd         * :GitDiff<CR>
n  \C            :call CapitalizeCenterAndMoveDown()<CR>
  bp            <Esc>:bp<CR>
  bn            <Esc>:bn<CR>
n  gx            <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
  st            a)<Esc>^i(<Esc>$:w<CR>
n  <Plug>NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cWORD>"),0)
  <M-Up>        gk
  <M-Down>      gj

That means that the ftplugin is not executed correctly for some reason. Can you zip me a small source tree, where this happens and send it to me?

Which exact version of contrib should be used?

2.1.2 was tested with revision 919 of the old subversion repo, but the 1.0-compatible branch of the git repo should also work. The most difficult point is the move of c.c.stacktrace into core.



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