Am 17.01.2012 23:08, schrieb daly:
> On Tue, 2012-01-17 at 21:46 +0100, Dennis Haupt wrote:
>> after the "wtf"s have worn off a bit, go on reading.
>> imagine a simple problem: you have a collection of numbers and you have
>> to write a function which collects all the numbers that are contained
>> uneven times. for example, for a collection (1,2,3,2,3,4) the correct
>> result is (1,4)
>> ask a child:
>> "you just make pairs and return the leftovers"
>> ask a non-child human:
>> "count how often a number is in the list and pick the ones that are
>> contained uneven times"
>> i also asked some oo programmers. one of the answers involved a
>> multimap, building it, iterating over it again and putting the result in
>> a new list. one answer was "i don't see any purpose in this".
>> there was no FP coder around at that time.
>> i've noticed this since i started to work as a programmer 10 years ago.
>> programmers in general are supposed to be good at finding simple
>> solutions, but my experience is: they are not. on the contrary, many
>> suffer from their individual tunnel visions without being aware of it.
>> to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
>> i have walked a different path. when i was a child, i wondered: had i
>> been born in a different country having different friends and parents,
>> how would i be like? would i believe in a different god? would i like
>> different music? i decided to try to be as independent from outside
>> condition as possible, so i needed something as close to "the absolute
>> truth" as possible and base my decisions on that. that absolute truth
>> was nothing other than logic itself. it would always give the same
>> answer, given the same input. it would never lead me to contradictions.
>> it could not answer everything, but if it could, the answer always
>> turned out to be correct - if testable. you could say logic is my
>> personal tunnel through which i see everything, but i have yet to find a
>> better one.
>> i never care about how many people agree or disagree with me. if logic
>> says "it's true", it just is.
>> when solving a problem, i always try to find the most simple and elegant
>> solution thinkable in a grand scheme. i'm pretty demanding here. i
>> barely accept my own code if it doesn't fit exactly to the problem it is
>> supposed to solve :) now back to the topic.
>> when writing code, i try to follow a few simple rules as good as possible:
>> * no one should every have to read the code to figure out how it works.
>> it should always be enough to take a look at what it does, not how.
>> * when changing code, everything that is not in the current mental scope
>> should not have any connection to the code that is being changed. it
>> should always be possible to ignore everything else without breaking it
>> by accident.
>> * use the highest abstraction level that still makes sense.
>> * not applicable to clojure, but: type your code well. well typed code
>> is easy to analyse and hard to use wrong. if you're working with tables
>> and define a rowint and a colint-type, you would never be able to
>> confuse them. if you had a nonzeroint and a zeroint-type, you would
>> never accidently divide by zero. if you are accessing an array that is
>> zero-based, there should be a zerobasedindexint. otherwise, there should
>> be a onebasedindexint.
>> * if you need something more than once, there should be an easily
>> useable and accessible function for it.
>> * write code in such a way that it cannot go wrong :)
>> * solve problems once (and for all) with structure, not with flat logic
>> at many points. if a solution is too simple, its users will have to make
>> up for it by adding logic on the outside.
>> this email didn't really have a purpose, i just didn't know a better
>> place to post this.
> Unfortunately you are reasoning "in the small". Real systems have very
> complex webs where some particular piece of code hangs. The code depends
> on a LOT of other factors. I have attached a "simple" piece of algebra
> code that is REALLY strongly typed and implements Algebraic Function
> Fields in Axiom. It does an amazing amount of work in a relatively
> trivial bit of code. It implements perfectly clear algorithms and was
> written by a world-class computational mathematician. 
> I have other examples from my Magnus project in the area of infinite
> group theory. A few lines of C++ code is all you need to write to 
> implement fundamental algorithms. The code is perfectly clear to the
> author. It correctly and efficiently implements the ideas. I won't
> bother with an example but, trust me, the code is as opaque as a brick.
> There is the "good code meme" that all you need to do is use clear
> variable names, properly indented code, and strong typing and *poof*,
> the code is easy to understand. This meme is widespread and wrong.
> It isn't "wrong" in the sense of good coding but it is being 
> mis-applied, trying to cover human to human communication.
> The problem is that "understanding" is based on communicating *ideas*
> between people. Code is intended to communicate *actions* to a 
> machine. These are very different goals and require different
> technologies. Code cannot communicate "why" it was written.
> Any real program that a company creates to solve a real problem
> is going to be a large, complex web of technologies and *ideas*.
> Once the original authors leave the project, the *ideas* are lost.
> We need to capture the *ideas* as well as the code. My particular
> solution is the "literate programming meme". Your results might
> vary but the "good code meme" is not the solution.

my claim is that these complex real world systems are more complex and
more difficult to handle than they need to be - at least those i have
seen in detail. problems that do not need to exist are being solved by
low level glue logic that plugs not-fitting-parts together where they
could have been solved or avoided in general on a higher level.

my experience: there are lots of special cases in the lower abstraction
levels of real world systems making it impossible to handle the system
in an abstract way. the special cases are caused by programmers making
random assumptions which turn out to be false and then have to be fixed
by adding more and more logic which in turn cuts the higher level off
from making general statements and that forces the programmer to stay on
the lower levels.
these special cases are rarely caused by the real world.

> tl;dr the "good code meme" is not enough; 
>       use the "literate programming meme"
> Tim Daly


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