No I did not try Oracle Java6 and it would be a real hassle since it's not even installed...I think I've got openJDK 6 though...hmm I'll poke around with the dependencies of the namespace I'm trying to load see if that changes anything and if it doesn't I'll give openJDK a spin...

Clojure seems rather sure it is my record definition...but if I try to load the namespace containing the record everything is is the 'consumer' namespace (workflows.clj) that doesn't load (sometimes)...


On 28/02/13 17:20, Softaddicts wrote:
Did you try with Java 6 ? I am inclined that your problem is not so much with
your code than with one of your java dependencies.

Luc P.

I just walked in home, sat on my pc, /git-pull/ (what I pushed 30 min
ago), /lein2 repl/, /load-file xxx.clj/ , *BOOM!*

CompilerException java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
hotel_nlp/concretions/models/Workflow, method: run signature:
()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty stack,

this is beyond belief! I thought I sorted that at the office...before
leaving I tried lein2 repl/lein2 test 5 times and it worked every single

my project.clj is here:

sorted@sorted-desktop:~$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_15"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_15-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

sorted@sorted-desktop:~/clooJWorkspace/hotel-nlp$ lein2 deps :tree
   [edu.stanford.nlp/stanford-corenlp-models "1.3.4-models"]
   [edu.stanford.nlp/stanford-corenlp "1.3.4"]
     [de.jollyday/jollyday "0.4.7"]
       [javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api "2.2.7"]
     [joda-time "2.1"]
     [xom "1.2.5"]
       [xalan "2.7.0"]
       [xerces/xercesImpl "2.8.0"]
       [xml-apis "1.3.03"]
   [experiment "1.5.3"]
   [net.sf.jwordnet/jwnl "1.4_rc3"]
     [commons-logging "1.1.1"]
   [org.apache.lucene/lucene-snowball "3.0.3"]
   [org.apache.opennlp/opennlp-maxent "3.0.3-SNAPSHOT"]
   [org.apache.pdfbox/pdfbox "1.7.1"]
     [org.apache.pdfbox/fontbox "1.7.1"]
     [org.apache.pdfbox/jempbox "1.7.1"]
   [org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0-RC16"]
   [org.clojure/ "0.1.1"]
   [ "7.1"]
     [com.thoughtworks.xstream/xstream "1.4.2" :exclusions [[xmlpull]
     [commons-io "2.1"]
     [commons-lang "2.6"]
     [jaxen "1.1" :scope "runtime" :exclusions [[xml-apis]
[xerces/xercesImpl] [xom]]]
       [dom4j "1.6.1" :scope "runtime"]
     [jdom "1.0"]
     [junit "4.10" :exclusions [[org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core]]]
     [log4j "1.2.17"]
     [net.sourceforge.nekohtml/nekohtml "1.9.14" :exclusions [[xml-apis]]]
     [org.apache.ant/ant "1.8.1"]
       [org.apache.ant/ant-launcher "1.8.1"]
     [org.apache.ivy/ivy "2.2.0"]
     [org.apache.lucene/lucene-core "3.5.0"]
     [org.apache.tika/tika-parsers "1.0" :scope "runtime" :exclusions
[[rome] [edu.ucar/netcdf] [org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup/tagsoup] [asm]
       [com.drewnoakes/metadata-extractor "2.4.0-beta-1" :scope "runtime"]
       [commons-codec "1.5" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.commons/commons-compress "1.3" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.james/apache-mime4j-core "0.7" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.james/apache-mime4j-dom "0.7" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml "3.8-beta4" :scope "runtime" :exclusions
[[stax/stax-api] [xml-apis]]]
         [org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml-schemas "3.8-beta4" :scope "runtime"]
           [org.apache.xmlbeans/xmlbeans "2.3.0" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.poi/poi-scratchpad "3.8-beta4" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.poi/poi "3.8-beta4" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.apache.tika/tika-core "1.0" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.bouncycastle/bcmail-jdk15 "1.45" :scope "runtime"]
       [org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15 "1.45" :scope "runtime"]
     [org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-lgpl "4.1.3" :exclusions
       [org.codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api "3.1.1"]
     [org.springframework/spring-aop "2.0.8"]
       [aopalliance "1.0"]
       [org.springframework/spring-beans "2.0.8"]
       [org.springframework/spring-core "2.0.8"]
     [org.xhtmlrenderer/flying-saucer-core "9.0.1"]
     [ "3.1"]
     [ "3.7.1"]
     [urbanophile/java-getopt "1.0.9"]
     [xmlunit "1.2"]
     [xpp3 "" :scope "runtime"]

My actual project has practically no dependencies! All that stuff I need
to test what I'm doing. I'm  providing the glue (the protocols and the
extension-points) for several NLP libraries...after I'm done with each
library, I need to pull it in and use it exactly as a consumer would. At
the moment I've only done openNLP , stanfordNLP & GATE so it is normal
to see those and their dependencies in the dep-tree. They are used in
examples/workflows.clj which demonstrates how the 'glue' feels like from
a consumer's perspective...

any  help to get to the bottom of this will be really appreciated
guys...This is a rather ambitious project but I'd like for it to step on
its feet quite early....I can't do anything while this persists...I
mean, I can but it is eating my brain...


On 28/02/13 15:46, Jim wrote:
On 28/02/13 15:36, Softaddicts wrote:

can you post the JVM used, maybe a snippet of the code around line 68,
the dependencies tree (lein deps :tree) and your project.clj ?

With these we can probably find the root cause of this.

Luc P.
Hi Luc,

thanks for your interest but I think I've cracked it...:) the code
that was causing this is the following record. You will notice that
'deploy' delegates to 'run' per component. But then, since a WorkFlow
can be a Component as well, the 'run' fn should NOT delegate to
'deploy' as it will only go round in circles!
So, from what I understand '(deploy this text)' should be '(reduce
#(run %2 %) text components))' which is basically what 'deploy' does!
This is in-line with what Marko / Meikel suggested...

(defrecord Workflow [components] ;;a seq of components - the workflow
can itself be a component
(getComponents [this] components) ;;just return all components
(appendComponent [this c] (conj (vec components) c))
(addComponent [this pos c] (addC components pos c))
(removeComponent [this pos] (removeC components pos))
(replaceComponent [this pos replacement] (replaceC components pos
(deploy [_ text intermediates?]
((if intermediates? reductions reduce)
(fn [init c] (run c init)) text components))
(deploy [this text] (deploy this text false))
;(deploy [this] (deploy this))
(link [this pos other]
(Workflow. (help/link this pos other)))
;(run [this] (deploy this))
(run [this text] (deploy this text) ;(reduce #(run %2 %) text components))
;(run [this text & more] (deploy this text (first more)))
clojure.lang.IFn ;;can act as an fn
(invoke [this arg]
(deploy this arg))
(applyTo [this args]
(apply deploy this args)) ) Jim

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