On Mar 6, 2013, at 12:50 AM, Seif Eddine Jemli <seifeddineje...@gmail.com> 

> You asked me about the scheduler i would like to implement.
> In fact, i have a school project: i have to divide matrix calculus on
> several VM's, the VM's have to calculate then return the results to the
> scheduler for aggregation.
> The scheduler have then to send the aggregated results to the user who
> typed the matrices.
> so the scheduler:
> *
> *
> *-have to contact cloudstack and ask for X number of VM's*
> *-then the vm's get work assigned to them crunch the work and return the
> results to the scheduler for aggregation*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> what do you think of this project?
> Is it feasible?

Seif, yes this is definitely feasible but the parallelizing of tasks is not 
provided by CloudStack.

What you should do:

1-Deploy CloudStack so you have a cloud
2-Prepare a template that has the batch scheduler that you want and the 
parallel libraries needed (e.g MPI)
3-Launch several VMs via CloudStack using the prepared template.
4-Access the head node of your virtual cluster (that you just started) and 
submit your parallel job

Again CloudStack won't help with the actual parallelizing, that's not what it's 
made for.

If you wanted an optimized VM instance, for true HPC, you would need to set it 
up on hypervisors with PCI passthrough, some type of low latency network like 
infiniband. In addition you could have GPU instances (like on Amazon), if you 
had GPUs on your hardware.

Hope that helps,


> Thanks in advance for your help.

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