On Mar 5, 2013, at 4:31 PM, Serge A. Salamanka <salsa-...@tut.by> wrote:

> Hi, Alex
> I've joined the list couple days ago. Interested in this same feature.
> At the supercomputing center where I work we have lots of computing
> power that could be used as a virtual supercomputer through
> virtualization with CloudStack.
> I'm just thinking how it can be realized with the help of CloudStack.
> I guess Seif is doing something similar?
> I found an article [1] that explains pretty much all that I wish to do
> with CloudStack for that purpose.
> Regards,
> Serge
> [1] http://sebgoa.blogspot.com/2012/11/i-was-asked-other-day-what-was.html

Hi Serge, I wrote that blog.

Yes it can be done, I am not aware of a large scale deployment for HPC purposes 
yet, however I don't foresee any huge obstacles.

The biggest issue is to make CloudStack play nicely with your current 
infrastructure, especially if you want to keep traditional jobs running at the 
same time than having VMs running on the hosts. 

Im my previous job what we had done, is write a simple batch job that would get 
nodes from the scheduler, then once we would get the nodes we would run the 
cloud agent to basically build a cloud-infrastructure on top of the existing 
supercomputer. The cloud would just appear has a regular HPC job and be 
destroyed once the wall time expires.

The issue tends to be with the networking, you may want to setup a specific 
VLAN for you "transient" cloud.

If you don't need to multiplex regular hpc jobs and VMs then things gets 
easier. Just build a CloudStack cloud, and setup your HPC cluster via 
templates. One template for a head node and one template for the compute nodes. 
Put MPI or whatever libraries you need and your are up.


> On 06.03.2013 00:20, Alex Huang wrote:
>> Seif,
>> What is the function of your scheduler?  Can you go into it a little more?  
>> Thanks.
>> --Alex
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Seif Eddine Jemli [mailto:seifeddineje...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 12:36 PM
>>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>> Subject: Building on Cloudstack
>>> Hi,
>>> I am working on a project using Cloudstack.
>>> I'll need to implement a scheduler to control the virtual machines generated
>>> by Cloudstack. (in fact, the project is about parallel calculus on different
>>> virtual machines).
>>> So, it seems that i have to use the Cloudstack API.
>>> i wanted to ask for some tips for my project.
>>> any volunteers? :)
>>> thanks in advance.

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