On 06.03.2013 15:15, Sebastien Goasguen wrote:
> If you don't need to multiplex regular hpc jobs and VMs then things gets 
> easier. Just build a CloudStack cloud, and setup your HPC cluster via 
> templates. One template for a head node and one template for the compute 
> nodes. Put MPI or whatever libraries you need and your are up.

I don't need to multiplex HPC jobs and VMs.
This is exactly the setup I want to make.
This way we can provide users the ability to create their own HPC
clusters with their own templates for worker nodes as configurable

> CloudStack won't help with the actual parallelizing, that's not what
it's made for.

CloudStack can help to create highly configurable virtual infrastructure
for HPC jobs that can be used by organizations that care about strong
privacy of the submitted information and by those individuals that want
root access to their HPC nodes.

> If you wanted an optimized VM instance, for true HPC, you would need
to set it up on hypervisors with PCI passthrough, some type of low
latency network like infiniband. In addition you could have GPU
instances (like on Amazon), if you had GPUs on your hardware.

Infiniband and GPU nodes are available. The task is to make them
available through CloudStack.

I would appreciate more information on configuring optimized VMs.


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