Bill Hoffman wrote:
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

For clarity, let's say I make 2 static libraries:
- pcre_static_pic, for use with our shared libchicken et al
- pcre_static_nopic, for use with our libchicken-static et al

The latter case runs into the "static library as part of a static library" problem.

Er, I'd better sanity check. Is there a corresponding "static library as part of a dynamic library" problem? Or can "ar" handle that just fine? I just wrote new versions of our CMakeLists.txt's, thinking I could eliminate the duplicate builds at least for the dynamic case. I hope I wasn't wasting my time.

If CMake can indeed handle the chaining of static libraries,

CMake does not directly support this. However, you can put a full path to a .o file as a source for a library and cmake will do the right thing for with it. The catch is I have never done this, and it will be difficult to figure out the paths to the .o files,

Is there a "safe" way to find the paths, that doesn't rely on magical CMake internals? If there is no safe way, is there a way that minimizes the risk of CMake internals changing?

I see problems with any approaches based on FIND_PATH. Even if I use it from a CMake script, so that I can search for .obj files after they've already been built, I think the path needs to be specified at configuration time. That means I need to predict the path, not detect it.

I could write a custom C compilation rule, but that seems to defeat the purpose of using CMake. It will make passing definitions and other flags a real chore.

Brandon Van Every

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