Alexander Neundorf schrieb:
On Tuesday 17 June 2008, Bill Hoffman wrote:
Alexander Neundorf wrote:
Currently, for the NMake generator one needs to have "sourced" the
vsvars32.bat file to set up the environment so that cmake can find the
tools etc. Since, the user sources this file at CMake time and then
this environment will not be available when running eclipse, I put the
the values of: PATH, INCLUDE, LIB, and LIBPATH into the .project file
If somebody comes up with a nice way to do this automatically (like
reading the env. vars on the first cmake run, converting them into cmake
vars and storing them in the cache so they can be used later on with
include_directories() etc.) maybe the cmake devs would accept such a
Not so easy.  Those variables have to be around at make time, and not
just cmake time.  I suppose you could push all that to the command line
of the compiler.   You would have to modify the -I and -LIBPATH for all
invocations of the compiler.

Some file like Modules/Platforms/Windows-cl.cmake could on the first run:
-get these env vars
-convert them to cmake vars
-call include_directories(<the converted INCLUDE>)
-call link_directories(<the converted LIBPATH>)
-call link_libraries(<the converted LIB>)

Would this or something in that direction work ?

How do you define which vsvars32.bat (or vsvars64.bat) to use? I've more than one compiler on my system...

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