On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Christian Ehrlicher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Bill Hoffman schrieb:
>> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 17 June 2008, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> How do you define which vsvars32.bat (or vsvars64.bat) to use? I've more
>>>> than one compiler on my system...
>>> The first time you would have to run cmake in the right environment (i.e.
>>> where the correct vcvars.bat has been executed).
>>> But I don't have a windows here, so I am not the best person for this...
>> I realize some people get confused by this.  However, I don't think it is
>> too much to ask that you have a correct environment setup for using the
>> compiler.  We ask no less on Linux/Unix.  If gcc is incorrectly installed,
>> and can't find headers, we don't try and add -I stuff to fix the problem...
>>  That's my opinion too - I don't see the point why it should be so hard to
> set up the correct environment so that it must be done by cmake.

The point is not to setup the compiler, it is to have cmake include path
pointing to standard locations. For example where STL header are
(like/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.2/include on
linux), to avoid extra configurations step in the IDE, not for the compiler.
I talk especially about Eclipse CDT, in which STL automatic completion work
well under linux, but not under windows.
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