On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Bill Hoffman <bill.hoff...@kitware.com> wrote:

>>> I think one of their main points was to generate standalone projects
>>> that do not require CMake to build.
>> Yes. As mentioned in point 5.
> This will never happen with CMake.  CMake will always be required to be on
> the machine doing the build.   There is just no other way to do system
> introspection.  Also, if you don't have something like CMake around it is
> hard to write cross platform build files that are complex in anyway (i.e.
> needs to copy files at build time).

Actually, it could happen, or at least the requirement could be softened.

I developed a bootstrapper for Wt ( http://webtoolkit.eu ) which
requires nothing more than a C++ compiler and a command prompt
(Windows) or bash (Unix) to build. It's essentially a couple of
scripts which download CMake and some basic dependencies, then
ExternalProject_Add all other dependencies, making the project
buildable in a self-contained directory, including all the
dependencies. Maybe some option could be added to CMake to "generate"
such scripts and make it easier to bootstrap? (Details on what I did
here: "Bootstrap your CMake project" - http://www.elpauer.org/?p=614 )

Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to my workload, I may need 10 days to answer)
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