Dear Joan,

Thank you so much for this tip.  I am now taking my Gleevec after my evening 
meal around 5:00 - 6:00 pm.  Hopefully, this will allow me to sleep off some 
fatigue during the night so that I can have more energy during the day.  

May God Bless you,


From: Joan <>
To: CMLHope <>
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:27:17 AM
Subject: [CMLHope] Re: LOW ENERGY

I've been on Gleevec about 6 yrs. It really messed me up at first when
I was spreading it out over the day. For quite a while, I took it in
the morning but I had to be very careful how I moved for the first
hour or so or I'd violently through up.  Now I'm taking it at night
and not having trouble as often but I stilll haveto watch how I move,
especially no tipping my head down.  The fatigue and joint pain seem
to be the most consistent side effects.  I feel best when I get my
swimming in but sometimes it's hard to do that.

On Jul 26, 4:53 pm, Sandra Wells <> wrote:
> Thank you, Joan for replying.  How long have you been on Gleevec?
> Sandy
> ________________________________
> From: Joan <>
> To: CMLHope <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:29:36 AM
> Subject: [CMLHope] Re: LOW ENERGY
> Sandy,
> I've been fighting fatigue as well. I seem to have chronic low level
> anemia that is probably related to the Gleevec. I do my best to eat
> plenty of iron rich food and drink a lot of water. That seems to help.
> I also seem to have better days when I laugh at something: funny
> movie, email or just life in general.
> Joan

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