Suzieq,  looks like we will be in by Sept. 25th.  mean time I'll  drive 
down your way and give you a had with the house.  Grace has me doing  remodel 
jobs all the time.  (smile)
In a message dated 8/18/2009 1:26:06 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Update on my visit:

Well, all was just  dandy........according to the "nurse
practitioner".  I hardly ever see  the actual doctor any more,
so guess they figure that I'm just not sick  enough, huh?   But, it's
okay....I kind of like Holly......she  does anything
I ask of her and she sits and listens to me.....always asks  me
different questions and always seems a little
surprised when my  answer is "no"......the only complaint I told her
about that bothers me the  most lately is the bone
pain in both legs, usually when I lay down at night  or when I raise my
legs in a recliner....sometimes it is so intense
I  want to cry......she thought I might be retaining some fluids there
since  it's usually up in the day or at night time.  Me,
I just chalk it up  to the bone & joint pain of Gleevec, (smile).

My blood counts all  looked very good....still have the "low"
anemia......but my white cells  were at 4.3 and my platelets are
at 255.........I compared this  one with last Feb. and all counts were
within 1 or 2 pts., so no big drops  or increases.  She went
over the graph with me of my last genetics  tests and said according to
how I've done on Gleevec from the  beginning,  even though
it does look like a roller's  all such a minimum amount
that I can live for many years with it like  that.  She said hopefully
the results from this next test will show  the same or be negative
again (that's what I always hope for).  I had  no problems in the
lab other than the girl tightened the tourniquet  extremely tight and I
think that makes the actual blood draw itself hurt  worse as well
as slows the blood flow.  I finally asked her after  about ten minutes
were "things a little slow this time?"  She said,  "No, just big tubes
to fill."  Well, I looked (which I normally never  do because of my
"fear of needles") and they were the same tubes they  always use, so I
know what her problem was.  I told my mom  that I just kept gritting my
teeth and trying to remember to breath  slowly.......told myself
I couldn't pass out cause I didn't have anybody  with me to "take care
of me" like I normally do........and I did make it  through just fine
after she finally released the tourniquet.  I don't  know why some of
those lab techs think they have to tighten it like they  are
trying to cut off your arm.......

So, don't have to go back  until next February (barring nothing goes on
with the genetics tests which  usually come back in about ten days).

Greenie:  hope you guys get  all settled in your town house soon......I
know what it is like to be  "unsettled" they are still working
on my's in Phase III  stage of which is the last part, the
biggest remodel which is the middle,  kitchen, dining, & livingroom.
got it under a roof that's  awaiting shingles....and now beginning to
do the inside work.  It's  going to be pretty awesome once it is
just about to drive  me to "drink" thought with all the major decisions
and changes to be  made.

Good to see you again, Frank.  I do hope all goes well after  your
radiation treatments and the cancer
has been conquered once  again.

God Bless to  all,


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