Hi Suzieq, so glad everything is going so good for  you.
I sure wish the Gleevec had kept working for me.
I'm on Sorycel now for about a month.
It seems to be working so far.

Well, my  CML friends, my six months went by way too fast & now I find
it is my  time to visit with my Hem./onc. this coming Monday.  I am a
little  anxious to see how things are since this was my first 6 month
stretch after  being Dx'ed back in '04 (Jan.).  But, I feel like it
should all be  good.....no complaints other than I noticed that the
"spleen pain" went  away for a while and is now back again, just not as
bad.  Maybe it  will go away completely one of these days...lol....one
can only  hope.

I've really struggled the past three or four months with my  lower
back....finally broke down and went back to the chiropractor  for
relief and he has helped tremendously with some,  but I notice  that it
is still tender no matter how often I've iced it down.......other  than
this, I have no health complaints much.  I know that there's many  of
you who do suffer from other stuff.....& my heart goes out to  you....I
am glad I do not have to deal with anything but the CML.....but,  if
there comes that day......will just do like I always do.....try  to
stay positive & look for the humor & keep my faith strong even  when I
am weak.  All we can do, huh?




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