Arthritis is a mystery disease.  I had crippling legs  cramps and hand 
cramps on Gleevec.  My sister never had CML and yet she is  in the worse pain 
ever!  Pain in her lower back, knees and etc.  She  did take Celebrex at one 
time but was taken off of it.  She has had knee  operations, shots at the 
site of pain and etc.  I had the starting of  arthritis pain in my hands on 
Tasaigna.  I still have some in my hands on  Sprycel, but not much.
We are all different and meds affect each and everyone of us  differently.  
I have been put on many drugs that I knew my body wouldn't be  able to 
handle, and informed my PCD of such.
Trial and error seems to be the answer to drugs.  A good  PCD will work 
with you on this.
Good luck,
In a message dated 10/27/2012 5:06:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yes,  Patrick,  

I understand my family is notorious for side effects, My poor mother has  
been deaf for 2 years due to one dose of Gentamycin.

What annoys me most is that when you DO correlate the antibiotic with  
being "crippled" they either do not believe you or state that it is such a  
"rare" side effect that they do not have a clue what to do for you!
When in truth, the side effects from Levaquinn, Cipro and Avelox are  
rampant even though many do NOT realize that is what is "wrong" with  them.
So many patients are diagnosed with Fibro or Poly myalgia and the doctor  
never even asked if they patient had taken a floroquinolone.

Makes me crazy!!! It was the worst pain I have ever experienced, not to  
mention the eye issues and brain fog! 

Scary stuff,

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 12:28 PM, <_patrickemailguard-goog@yahoo.com_ 
( > wrote:

Hi Michelle,  
You speak the truth about Levaquin. It even has a rare  side-effect of 
audio and visual hallucinations and "wrong thinking".  Guess who had that 
reaction. Try showing up at the ER because an  antibiotic is making you crazy 
hallucinate. "Do you have  hallucinations often?" "Do you hear just sounds 
or do you hear  voices?"
As for Millie's muscle and joint type of pain I get that from  any SSRI 
(Zoloft, Paxil etc.) - the pain was much worse  than the depression they were 
trying to treat!
I could on about side-effects forever. The med students love me.  They were 
giddy when I had an episode or Transient Global Amnesia 7 or  8 years ago. 
Still have no clue on that...

--- On Sat, 10/27/12, 
<_ballroom101@gmail.com_ ( > wrote:

From: <_ballroom101@gmail.com_ 
( >  

Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Why are my posts not coming  through?
To: _cmlhope@googlegroups.com_ ( 

Date: Saturday,  October 27, 2012, 1:14 PM

HI Millie,  

What you are describing to me is something that I  dealt with for over two 
years; the cause of my severe muscle joint  and tendon pain WAS caused by a 
medication. It was an antibiotic  called Cipro and is in the class of 
Floroquinolones. It is the  number one prescribed antibiotic for just about  
everything from urinary track infections to sinus infections and  dental work. 
They often give it to patients that are  hospitalized and they do not even 
know what they have been given.  Levaquinn and Avelox  are also in that 
class of drugs. I  believe that they have destroyed my mothers life as she 
continues to  suffer from "Polymyalgia", too......I recently found and DUMPED 4 
bottles of Levaquinn from her medicine cabinet.
It floors me that they continue to prescribe this  class of drugs to her. 
Thye destroy the sheath around you muscles  and tendons and destroy you 
Please, please look into your medical history to  see if you have EVER 
taken one of these drugs; there are current  lawsuits surrounding Levaquinn for 
the exact type of pain that you  describe,
Most importantly do not EVER take these drugs;  unless it is a very last 

Here is a link to my "other" blog: 
Important post; 
News;  please watch this one: 
While I hope that this hasn't happened to you, I  would bet that at some 
point in time you have taken one of these  antibiotics and it may help to 
explain your pain. It was the worst  pain that I have ever suffered, but three 
years down the road I am  MUCH improved; I also wonder if there is some link 
to CML as I was  dx with CML after taking the antibiotics.

Best to you,

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