Hi Jeanie,

Living here in Florida where the beach is only 13 miles from here I
still can't go there because if I get a lot of sun then my GVHD starts
acting up and I have had about a dozen skin cancers over the years
after my bone marrow transplant. but nothing terribly dangerous.

Since I had total body radiation I must be very careful of the sun, so
I just try to avoid it as much as I can.

I just wanted to stop by and say hello to you.



On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 5:40 PM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope
<cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi Marty and yes I'm sure you are right.  I try to take each day as it
> comes; just wake up and praise God that he is giving me one more day.
> How are you?
> I am good; the high platelets aren't bothering me, and they have probably
> already gone back to normal; hopefully.
> I read a lot; went to get a lot of books today; I get them second hand and
> at a thrift store close to me.
> I also buy those old vhf movies; hope my player doesn't give out on me.  I
> like the old movies.
> I used to love the beach but the I can't take the sun like I used did.  I
> still love going and seeing the waves.
> Our favorite place to visit was St.Augustine.
> More later; we are fixing to have a thunder storm.
> We have those a lot in the evening.
> Blessings,
> Jeanie<3
> In a message dated 8/13/2014 8:40:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> wa2...@gmail.com writes:
> Hi Jeanie,
> In a way it is better to have higher then lower platelets, but
> sometimes it is just some medicine that may be causing it. Even a
> virus or a host of other things. Just be patient and I'm sure that it
> will all work out.
> Yes, I also miss Mommy Lottie as I used to call her, but I have
> learned not to dell on the past because it really doesn't help anyone
> and I'm sure that she wouldn't want us to be sad.
> Jeanie, better things are coming for you and me.
> 18's,
> Marty
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 10:06 AM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope
> <cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Hi Marty and thanks, it's funny that I do worry about those platelets
>> because they have gone out of whack 3 times now resulting in hospital
>> stays
>> and blood cleanses but you are right, could be some infection going on or
>> etc--thanks I needed that.
>> They were perfect about 2 weeks ago when my PCD took them.
>> Yes, I know about the low hemg; I had to have transfusions when I was on
>> Tasigna.
>> My onc then transfused you if they went under 8.
>> You actually get really tired when your platelets go up at least I do.
>> Hang in there; we will keep on fighting.
>> Still missing Millie; know she's not suffering anymore.  It was just such
>> a
>> shock.  She had just wished me a happy trip when I left on my vacation.
>> Blessings,
>> Jeanie<3
>> In a message dated 8/12/2014 7:55:46 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> wa2...@gmail.com writes:
>> Hi Jeanie,
>> Having a count of 457,000 for your platelets is really nothing to
>> worry about. Just wait for another few blood tests. It could be from
>> several other things, probably the TKI or any other medication your
>> on. So, just sit back and wait but don't stress yourself out.
>> I wish that my Hemoglobin would be above 10 so be thankful that yours
>> is over 13. Hemoblobin is what brings oxygen to all of the body and
>> when it is low like mine is you jusy don't have any energy.
>> Al and all things considered I think that your doing fine.
>> 18's,
>> Marty
>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:44 AM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope
>> <cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Marty and all,
>>> Yes that is so right; I have had to fight for just survival in and out of
>>> the hospital.
>>> My PCD doesn't care what he prescribes in reference with Sprycel; if I
>>> tell
>>> him I can't take it, he just says it won't hurt.
>>> I had some bad news on platelets; the have risen to 457,000 but the onc
>>> says
>>> not enough to worry about, however, I have had my platelets jump into the
>>> millions is just a short time.  He is giving me 6 weeks to see what is
>>> going
>>> to happen.
>>> Pray for the best.
>>> My WBC was  7.87
>>> Only thing out of wack was
>>> MCHC  31.7 low range 32-36.8
>>> RDW 54.3 high range 36.8-46.1
>>> Hemoglobine 13.7 range 11.4-15
>>> Mean Cell Volume 96 high range 80-94
>>> Potassium 4.8 high range 3.4-4.5
>>> Glucose 106
>>> Creatinine 1.1 high range 0.5-1.0
>>> Everything else in normal range
>>> My Anc was 1.5
>>> Any comments?
>>> My daughter took me and we were joined in lunch by my granddaughter and
>>> great granddaughter and great grandsons.
>>> Had a great time.
>>> I hope everyone is good this morning.
>>> Blessings
>>> Jeanie<3
>>> In a message dated 8/10/2014 9:19:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>> wa2...@gmail.com writes:
>>> Jeanie, I wish you the best. I know that everything will be in your
>>> favor. Good luck with your blood test tomorrow. By the way the next
>>> time that the lab technician makes a mistake not only for not taking
>>> those two tubes, you be sure to make a formal complaing against the
>>> one that did it. Because of it you had to get stuck again. How would
>>> they like it if it were them?
>>> You are your own best advocate. Remember that the squeeky hingde gets
>>> the oil. Don't ever be afraid to open up your mouth no matter what.
>>> This once happened to me but it was during my bone marrow transplant
>>> and I almost died. I did make several complaints to find out the lab
>>> tech also did it to several other patients. I spoke with the lab
>>> manager and this tech was finally fired.
>>> When anything effects your health then you have the right to have
>>> things go smoothly, and if that means complaining then that is what
>>> you do. Man does this make me mad.
>>> GOD bless you Jeanie.
>>> 18's,
>>> Marty
>>> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 6:13 PM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope
>>> <cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Susan and all my CML warriors,
>>>> I am excited about going to get my blood test tomorrow!
>>>> I haven't been for 6 months and that is the longest I have ever been
>>>> going
>>>> to see my onc.  My PCD did do a blood test and all was good so hoping
>>>> all
>>>> is
>>>> good tomorrow.
>>>> I also get a PCR done when I go; so looking forward to seeing those
>>>> results,
>>>> however they won't be in for a few weeks after the blood has been drawn.
>>>> Did I tell you the story about going to my onc and having the blood
>>>> drawn?it
>>>> goes like this.
>>>> I always go to the blood draw center and get my blood work done before
>>>> seeing my onc.  I was called in and the nurse started drawing my blood.
>>>> Well, she only took 1 vial of blood and I was wondering as they always
>>>> take
>>>> two.
>>>> So I saw my onc about 1 hour later; he was upset and come to find out,
>>>> they
>>>> hadn't done the blood for the PCR.  I had to go back to the blood draw
>>>> and
>>>> have another vial taken.
>>>> Now I have to make sure they are taking 2 vials when I go.  I pray that
>>>> I
>>>> am
>>>> still in remission.
>>>> I hope everyone is good tonight.
>>>> I am good and am going to try to get a good night's sleep for my
>>>> adventure
>>>> tomorrow.
>>>> Blessing
>>>> Jeanie<3
>>>> In a message dated 8/7/2014 11:51:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>>> cmlhope@googlegroups.com writes:
>>>> Jeanie,
>>>> It is so good to know you also got fast results!!!  We have so much to
>>>> be
>>>> thankful for.  Have a great day!
>>>> Susan F. Zimmerman
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>> To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Sent: Thu, Aug 7, 2014 11:40 am
>>>> Subject: Re: [CMLHope] Here's some posts!
>>>> Hi Susan and so glad you are doing so well on the new med.  I got my
>>>> remission after only a few months on Sprycel.  I am so happy that these
>>>> new
>>>> meds were developed as they have saved my life three time as of this
>>>> date.
>>>> Good luck,
>>>> Jeanie<3
>>>> In a message dated 8/7/2014 10:01:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>>> cmlhope@googlegroups.com writes:
>>>> Hello Marty, Marcie and Skip, along with all the rest,
>>>> So sorry to hear about your car acccident, Marcie!  You truly did have
>>>> your
>>>> angel watching over you.
>>>> Marty, still praying for your kidney to be donated....there's one out
>>>> there
>>>> for you, I just know it!
>>>> Skip, good advice to those who might need the infusions about do they
>>>> know
>>>> how to treat shock....guess you can be thankful you are not in the
>>>> hospital
>>>> as it stands!
>>>> Good news on my front - in three months on bosutinib (bosulif) at 100
>>>> mg,
>>>> I
>>>> have gone from 9.0 IS for the bcr/abl testing down to 1.70!!!
>>>> I truly know this is unheard of in the treatment.  I am one blessed
>>>> person!
>>>> I still deal with lack of energy and slight nausea once in a while, so
>>>> got
>>>> some medication for the nausea.  My blood pressure was affected so now
>>>> am
>>>> on
>>>> med for that....trying hard to get a handle on the diabetes numbers to
>>>> get
>>>> and stay as normal as possible.  (What is normal for any of us???)
>>>> May you all have a wonderful week as you concentrate on the positive
>>>> instead
>>>> of the negative.  Hooray!  I am also excited to meet David and Grace
>>>> Greenburg, (greenie) coming up this month!
>>>> Here's a thought:  "If the people around you were dependent on your
>>>> WORDS
>>>> for nourishment, would they be dying of malnutrition?"
>>>> 18's,
>>>> Susan F. Zimmerman
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: margood18 via CMLHope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>> To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Sent: Thu, Aug 7, 2014 9:46 am
>>>> Subject: Re: [CMLHope] I haven't seen any poste lately
>>>> Skip, so glad you are starting to feel better.  You give me hope that I
>>>> can
>>>> keep going a long time with this disease.  Are you all settled in your
>>>> new
>>>> apartment?  Stay well.
>>>> Marcie
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: 'Skip Duffie' via CMLHope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>> To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Sent: Thu, Aug 7, 2014 8:47 am
>>>> Subject: Re: [CMLHope] I haven't seen any poste lately
>>>> Hello Marty,
>>>> I am sorry for not posting much,  I am just now starting to recover, I
>>>> had
>>>> that stint in the Hospital and when I got out , I went for my
>>>> regular infusions.  The  red cells went great but then I had a very bad
>>>> reaction to the platelets.  They had to stop the infusion have an
>>>> investigation, before  I could receive any more platelets, I ended up
>>>> with
>>>> just 1 platelet yes 1.  One platelet is the same as having 10.  The
>>>> machine cannot tell the difference from 0 or 10.  I did not think I was
>>>> getting out of this one, but here I am feeling not to darned bad.
>>>> My advice to anyone getting regular infusions (platelets, red cells)
>>>> check
>>>> to see if they are prepared for shock.
>>>> Marty I know your having a hard time as well, my prayers are for all us
>>>> who
>>>> face this dragon every day.
>>>> SkipD (longest survivor in the world as far as we can tell) diag 1977
>>>> They are sure I had it longer but not just diag.
>>>> On Thursday, August 7, 2014 1:15:18 AM, Marty Gartenberg
>>>> <wa2...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Is everyone alright? I haven't seen anything poster for nearly two
>>>> weeks???
>>>> 18's,
>>>> Marty
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