Possibly,(and I thought of that) but I'm not experienced enough to know how to 
code that.  This was something I had to get done very quickly.  I may go 

-----Original Message-----
From: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List [mailto:CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: the STACK stage

On 2016-06-24, at 08:19, Gentry, Steve wrote:

> I'm not getting the results I'd expect when STACK is the first in a pipeline. 
>   What I thought would happen is the entire STACK is read into the stream and 
> then proceed onto the next stage.  This is not happening.  Here is my code:
> 'PIPE stack' ,
>   '| take 1' ,
>   '| spec 33.8 1' ,
>   '| var EXPDT'
Since TAKE shorts the remainder of its input to its secondary output stream, 
would it work to connect that secondary stream to HOLE?
> I will have at least three lines in the stack.  These three lines are created 
> by another   command that uses the " STACK FIFO" (w/o the quotes).
I've hardly mastered connectors.  I'd first try STACK LIFO then TAKE LAST 1.

-- gil

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