>> Would you mind to mark the original as "deleted" and append the
>> longer record to the RECFM V file maybe? But I guess you were going
>> index by record number rather than a key.

Indeed, indexing by record.
So when the file is sitting on a CMS minidisk, it sounds like we have decent 
solutions for index-by-record when dealing with both RECFM F and RECFM V 
provided the new record is shorter.
For RECFM F when new record is longer shouldn't be a problem unless longer than 
file's LRECL, and there are known methods for dealing with that situation 
already (e.g. split it, truncate it, etc).
For RECFM V when new record is longer and it would be preferable to avoid 
truncation, then there does not appear to be a "pretty" solution short of 
re-platforming (e.g. "go use SFS", etc).

Attempted to use VSAM under CMS, but the CMS VSAM handling code appears to be 
significantly older than the z/OS counterparts.
Other than just using SFS, not sure if re-platforming to either BFS or CMS 
OpenEditions might solve.

--Shawn S.

-----Original Message-----
From: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf 
Of Alan Altmark
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2020 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CMS-PIPELINES] Replace single record in file

The CMS EDF file system is a very lightweight file system that has survived
40+ years with this restriction.  (EDF was introduced in SEPP or BSEPP,
40+ I

Back then VSAM was available to solve more complex data management issues.
Now, you re-platform.

Alan Altmark

> On Sep 12, 2020, at 12:27 PM, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com>
> On 2020-09-12, at 06:18:25, Rob van der Heij wrote:
>>> On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 01:18, Stanislawski, Shawn (National VM
Capability) <
>>> shaw...@dxc.com> wrote:
>>> Would be preferable to avoid truncation of a longer new record when
>>> dealing with recfm=VARIABLE.
>>> But at this point, it sounds as if there is not an elegant
>>> method for so doing?
>> Would you mind to mark the original as "deleted" and append the
>> longer record to the RECFM V file maybe? But I guess you were going
>> index by record number rather than a key.
> I understand that MDFS indexes blocks (not records) in a tree.
> I was disappointed that does not support "elegant resource-light"
> insertion, deletion, and replacement of records.  (Yes, that would
> require splitting blocks when records are inserted, marking parts of
> blocks as unused, and balancing the tree for performance.)
> SFS is merely secret.
> -- gil

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