Just a thought for you. Before owning my  C&C, my previous boat was an 
Alberg 37 which I bought while it was  in the water at a marina. During 
negotiations, I insisted on a survey  and a sea-trial as conditions of the 
We  sea-trialed with the surveyor  on board and all was fine until we 
raised sail.
No one else felt it, but I felt there  was something wrong with the rudder. 
I felt a strange sort of "flexing"...I  don't know how to describe it  
better. When we hauled the boat for the second part of the survey, we found a  
hairline split in the rudder which evidently opened when the rudder was under 
 load. It was so small a crack when there was no load that the surveyor 
might  well have missed it had he not been alerted to the problem by the  
Armed with this knowledge, I negotiated  enough on the price that I was 
able to have the rudder pulled and completely  rebuilt. When the rebuilder  
took it apart, it was clear that the rudder post had broken loose  internally.
I only mention this because I think a  sea-trial, in addition to an 
independent survey, should be a part of  every boat purchase.
Bill Hartman
1985 C&C Landfall  39
In a message dated 2/26/2013 9:25:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
davidakne...@gmail.com writes:

You guys  are fabulous and one of the reasons I am excited that the boat we 
are likely  to end up with turns out to be another C&C.  I really 
appreciate all  the advice.  One question from the responses- the sea trial.  
boat is on the hard with rig up and engine winterized.  It had not  occurred 
to me that we would throw it in the water in February (March by the  time 
this would happen) and go for a motor/sail- it is still pretty cold up  here, 
but it makes sense. I can see the importance of this to run the engine  and 
check the prop (Maxprop), and I like the idea of an engine survey, but  what 
else?  It will sail like a C&C, so what are the specific goals  of the sea 
trial?  I gather that it would then be hauled again and  re-winterized?  Who 
pays for the launching, prepping, hauling and  re-winterizing?  Thanks- Dave 

David Knecht
50 Farmstead Rd.
Storrs, CT 06268


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