

I think if you use padeyes just below (about 6 inches) the gooseneck and
forward of the center of the mast you may be able to get your reefed tack
closer to the mast than with your setup



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: February 6, 2014 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re- heaving to


Pretty much the same setup on Paws.  The only difference is we run the tack
line (Cunningham) from the mast base up through the cringle and then back to
the mast base where it is tied off.  Eliminates the figure eight knot but
does create a chafe point. Never thought of eight knot - interesting idea.
Will try it.  We also removed the bones as they do get in the way.  Does it
tend to pull the sail to one side?



Sent from my iPad

On Feb 6, 2014, at 7:25 PM, "dwight" <> wrote:



My sail has dog bones too.I run a high Cunningham, I put a figure 8 stooper
knot in the line and run it up through a padeye on the port side of the mast
below and forward of the boom, then up through the first reef cringle (dog
bones still installed) and down to and through another padeye similarly
installed on the starboard side of the mast to a block at the base of the
mast to turning blocks on deck and then to a Lemar clutch on the coach house
that I can tension from the cockpit with or without winch assistance,
depends if I need the winch to get proper tension..I have not set up the
second reef.If I needed that much main reef I would get rid of the main
altogether and go headsail alone.  I removed the hooks at the gooseneck,
because I do not need them with this setup and the did get in the way


The outhaul for the first reef is fasten starboard side of boom and aft of
first cringle when reefed, from there up through cringle and down to turning
block on port side of boom and from there inside boom to gooseneck and down
to turning block at base of mast, aft through deck organizer to similar
Lewmar clutch on coach house which I can tension with the same winch.  Both
lines are led aft on starboard side of deck and my main halyard is on that
side too, so all 3 needed control lines are on starboard side coach house
and can be with the same winch, one after the other.  I have a backup winch
that I can use if the primary breaks. I have 4 winches on the coach house, 2
on each side.


Maybe hard to visualize and I don't really have a good photo, but believe me
this setup works like a charm for the first reef.  I have autopilot but if I
reef going to weather I have found that the boat will hold the course on her
own while I reef.if she didn't I would engage the autopilot.



C&C 35 MKII, Alianna


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rick
Sent: February 6, 2014 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re- heaving to




I get that you use a reef tack cringle like a Cunningham to tension the luff
of the sail. My main has "dog bones" for both the 1st and 2nd reef that go
over reef hooks on the gooseneck.


What do you do about the outhaul for the reef cringle on the leach of the
sail? And don't you need to put reef lines through cringles in the sail and
tied around the boom to gather up and control the foot of the sail? Seems
the sail would be pretty baggy with the foot loose to billow out, when the
point in reefing is to keep the sail tight and flat.


Rick Brass


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of dwight
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re- heaving to


I don't and I do it alone from the cockpit.drop the main off with the main
sheet, let it flog, lower the halyard to predetermined spot, tension the
high Cunningham on the mast to get the new tack in place, tension the main
halyard, tension the main's a little noisy with sail flap but isn't
it always that way when you need to reef the main?



C&C 35 MKII, Alianna



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan
Sent: February 6, 2014 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re- heaving to


Don't you guys heave to when you need to reef the main?



Suhana, C&C 32



On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:57 AM, Wally Bryant <> wrote:

I'm on the wrong boat.

Jim Watts wrote:

No, you just need somebody to make French Toast. Gale? What gale?


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