Years after my wife sailed with me from Hawaii to Seattle and San Francisco (79 
and 81) she was able to articulate the difference in her perception of the 
trips and mine.

Sailing conditions I recall as "great" and "a good adventure" she perceived as 
"frightening" and "terrifying".

As others have mentioned the extra training in how to handle a sail boat and 
use the radio, auxiliary power, and how to dock with out damage could help 
change frightening to fun.



1971 C&C 43


From: CnC-List [] on behalf of Chuck S via 
CnC-List []
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 7:15 AM
To: David Donnelly; CNC boat owners, cnc-list
Subject: Stus-List wife dosen't like it when the boat leans

Well said.  I am learning late in life that many wives don't appreciate when a 
sailboat heels or as mine says, ". . . don't like when it leans".
And what I find challenging and fun about sailing like short tacking through a 
narrow channel or sailing hard on the wind close hauled, causes my wife anxiety 
or grief.  Just when the wind starts getting good, she usually asks to go 
somewhere for a swim.

I recently went sailing w a friend with the same problem.  His wife is very 
similar to mine. We've all been friends since before we married over twenty 
five years ago.  He wanted to show off his new boat and his wonderful country 
of Holland.  His plan; the guys went sailing for 10 days in Holland while the 
wives went touring by car through France.  I noticed most sailboat crews were 
guys, many skippers were alone, a very few white haired couples and the same 
number of twenty-ish couples.  My friend and I had a great time sailing 
whenever possible and remarked several times when the boat was making  8 to 9 
knots and heeled to 25 degrees, and we were having fun, "The girls would hate 
this."  One leg on the North Sea, we sailed w just the 110% downwind in 27 
knots wind making 9 knots boatspeed.  On the return, we had 18 to 20 knots on 
the nose.  Sailing would have taken longer, causing us to miss getting a slip, 
so we motorsailed w a reefed main making 8.3 knots.  The main steadied the boat 
so she maintained momentum and sliced better through the waves.  I remember 
playing w the vang to get a better shape to the top of the sail, because the 
boat had no traveller.  The girls would have hated it.

So, I'm looking for suggestions to keep both the boat and the wife, happy.

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