Paper charts “for the area being navigated” and “Updated to the latest Local 
Notice To Mariners” are required on any vessel carrying passengers. What 
carrying passengers means is subject to interpretation. Strictly speaking it 
means the owner, operator, or skipper has received some “valuable 
consideration” from the passenger. Whether a case of beer or filling the fuel 
tank  is valuable consideration probably depends on the circumstances and how 
excessively persnickety you are in applying the letter of the law.


“Charts”, btw, means paper to the USCG. Electronic charts don’t count except 
for some technologies not found on boats like ours. The same applies for the 
other required items like a Coast Pilot and a Light List.


BTW, the “valuable consideration” thing also means you are supposed to have a 
USCG license of some sort if you are operating the vessel. But the Coasties are 
even less likely to get their nickers in a knot if you are just out for a 
leisure sail with a couple of buddies.


You are also required to have charts aboard a boat larger than a certain size, 
as I recall. I think that is larger than 65 feet in length.


My defense against my own electronic charts and old chart books (1986? 
Really?), and against whatever the owner happens to have on a boat I am 
delivering, is to print out a set of the free, print-on-demand Booklet Charts. 
They can be downloaded from NOAA and printed on your home printer, and they are 
always up to date with the latest LNM.



Rick Brass

Washington, NC



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Chuck S via 
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 6:48 PM
To: Dave Godwin; CNC boat owners, cnc-list
Subject: Stus-List paper charts question


For us in US, I believe the Coast Guard requires paper charts be on board?  

I'm always worried if I get boarded, they might not accept my 1986 chartkits.  
Has that changed?



1990 C&C 34R
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md




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