Adding AF to the sea strainer is not going to winterize the block or
muffler.  As Marek suggested, you need several bottles.
Stay warm!


On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 1:45 PM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Jeremy,
> we do winterising every fall....
> - run AF through the engine. There are many options, I use a bucket in the
> cockpit and a long hose that I attach to the fresh water hose taken off the
> cooling water seacock (after the seacock is closed). You will probably need
> about 15 l (3 jugs) as a minimum. I use a full Home Depot bucket (I think
> it is 5 gal). It is a cheap insurance for the extra $10. This should
> winterise the engine, the strainer (good to remove water from it before you
> start) and the exhaust (water lift muffler). Since you are in the water,
> you won’t be able to catch it; please be aware that all AF is toxic to
> aquatic life. Fortunately, it gets diluted very quickly.
> - if you want to be sure, blow your fresh water lines with air. I take a
> small air compressor to the boat. I have a length of hose with a fitting
> that can get attached to the water hose going out of the pump and blow all
> lines (one at a time). Some people use a vacuum cleaner on blow. For that
> you want to buy an attachment (Canadian Tire or any RV store– around $5) –
> one side is a standard tire valve, on the other a garden hose threaded
> connector. In fact, I blow the water, run the AF through the pump and then
> blow the lines again.
> - for the head, close the seacock and take the intake hose at put it into
> a bucket of AF and pump until you see pure AF coming into the bowl. If you
> pour the AF into the bowl and pump it out, you are not protecting the
> intake side.
> - if you have a shower, pour AF into the sump
> - if you have a cooler (ice box) drain, pour some AF into that drain and
> pump it out
> Here, we cover, at least, the cockpit. You want to avoid snow build up.
> Also you may find problems with any seacocks. You should keep them closed
> for safety, but if you do, you may end up with a frozen water above it.
> This is especially true with the cockpit drains. We keep them all open, but
> we are on the hard.
> Good luck
> Marek
> Ottawa, ON
> (about 30 cm (1 ft.) of snow on the ground)
> *From:* Jeremy Ralph via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 13, 2016 13:18
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Jeremy Ralph
> *Subject:* Stus-List freeze proofing
> Here in the Pacific NW (Vancouver) we're getting freezing weather now,
> which rarely happens.  Many people keep a small ceramic heater running in
> their boats, but what if the shore power goes out?
> Here is what I did last week to prep:
> 1. Run 2QM20 raw water cooled engine under load for 20min to warm it up.
> Stop engine.  Close seacock. Open sea strainer. Start engine. Pour RV
> antifreeze into the sea strainer.  Stop engine.  Close sea strainer.
> 2. Drain fresh water holding tank system.  Run RV antifreeze through the
> pump and faucet.
> 3. Put RV antifreeze in the head and pump into empty holding tank.  Run
> macerator enough to get antifreeze in lines.
> 4. Put RV antifreeze in the bilge
> What do others do?  Any tips?
> Thanks,
>   Jeremy
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