Winter in eastern NC is really strange this year. Last night was 18F. Today was 
33F. Tomorrow is 60. Sunday is 78. And by mid-week next week it is supposed to 
be in the 40s. 


I suppose both sides on the issue of climate change will find evidence in there 


I just wish it would hang around closer to our long term average (60F) so I 
could go sailing.


Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Della Barba, 
Joe via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 2:55 PM
To: '' <>
Cc: Della Barba, Joe <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List freeze proofing


We got down to 25 degrees with a ton of wind. Cabin heat is set on about 50 
degrees on the 500 watt setting and the lowest cabin temp I saw was 38. I can 
click here and see my cabin temps from work or my phone:



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