So here's how my last 3 days have gone. On Thursday a fellow sailor from my 
marina in Biloxi called to let me know they were considering closing the marina 
for Nate. I packed up my car and headed down to Biloxi yesterday morning. 
Sunshine, 82 degrees and 12-15 knots from the east. I arrive to find three 
sailing buddies prepping their boats and waiting for me to lead them to the 
hurricane hole none of us have been to before. 
I add five gallons of fuel to Beemer, C&C29mkII, the harbor master helps us get 
off the docks and off we go at 1:30PM. It's a six to seven mile trek into 
biloxi bay and up the biloxi river. 
Two miles into the excursion going under the I110 bridge, I hear a different 
sound from the exhaust. I look down behind and see no water coming from the 
exhaust. I turn on the autopilot and run down and check the front of the engine 
to find the belt and pully laying under the engine. The hub of the pully still 
on the water pump. 
No overtemp alarm or light. Secondary cooling apparently keeping the temps from 
alarming. A mile later, bilge pump starts firing off. Back down to investigate. 
Hot water pressure release going off. 
Time to power down and toss line to friends boat to continue under toe. 
Now as I said earlier, none of us have ever been to these protected waters.  We 
find one cove and one sailboat attempts to enter. 20' 17' 5' turn around..  As 
we approach the I10 bridge (too low for us to go under) we spot a secluded cove 
with two sailboats inside. We go inside and 20' depths throughout. Three boats 
raft up setting three anchors. Lash to each other and seven lines going to 
trees ashore. 
Although you never feel you're secure enough to leave her, we jump in the dink 
at 12:30AM and motor to the pick up point where one of the wives returns us to 
the marina to get our cars. Done and exhausted at 2AM. 
This morning, get up, off to the chandlery, no pully. Ok. West marine, no pully 
but they suggest Tractor Supply Company. Sure enough they got it. Yeah. 
Jump in car and haul butt up to Hattiesburg to hole myself up till Nate passes 
If the marina opens on Monday we will head back get the boats, if they're still 
floating, and head back to the marina. 
Special note: if the marina call for evacuation and you do not evacuate, they 
will sink your boat in the slip. 
Sent from my iPhone


The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
October will be our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a small 
contribution to help keep this list running.  Use PayPal to send contribution 

All contributions are greatly appreciated!

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