


From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of ALAN BERGEN via 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2018 12:30 PM
To: C&C <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Colregs question for boats not in an organized race


In a port/starboard situation, the starboard boat must hold her course while 
the port boat must keep clear. There is no requirement for port to pass astern 
of starboard, only that she keep clear. If she could have passed in front of 
starboard without starboard having to change course, then she would have 
satisfied the colregs. If the starboard boat had held her course, and the port 
boat had been able to keep clear, then the colregs rules would have been 
satisfied.  Because the starboard boat tacked too close, she was at fault. The 
fact that two boats were "racing" is immaterial. However, it would have been 
prudent for the port tack skipper to hail the starboard skipper with his 
intentions. I do that all the time when racing, so there is no 
misunderstanding. It also protects me if the other boat does something that 
causes a collision.

Alan Bergen

35 Mk III Thirsty

Rose City YC

Portland, OR



On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 10:11 AM, Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List 
< <> > wrote:

A friend described a situation from the past weekend that I would like to pose 
to the collective brain trust on this list.  There were three boats involved.  
All three were out day sailing.  Two boats were travelling the same direction 
and the owners knew each other so they had an impromptu “race” as they were 
tacking upwind in a commercial harbour.  These two boats had no verbal 
agreement to race but they were each trying to best the other.  The third boat 
had a couple likely in their sixties out sailing by themselves.


One of the two boats that was “racing” was on port tack (we will call this P) 
while the couple out sailing was on stbd tack (S).  The heolmsman on P decided 
he would pass close by the stern of S.  P passing astern of S is in my mind 
obeying Colregs in Canada.  However since P was being competitive P planned to 
pass close by the stern of S.  Before this could happen S tacked to port at 
close quarters not giving P sufficient room to avoid a collision.  The boats 
ended up colliding with the sides of the hulls touching but no readily apparent 
damage or injury to either party.  P hailed to S asking if everyone was OK and 
received no response and both boats proceeded on their way.


So my question.  Is a port boat passing close astern of a Stbd boat sufficient 
to satisfy the Colregs?  Does S radically altering course without giving P room 
to keep clear mean that S has violated Colregs?


I know that if this was an organized race that according to RRS S would be at 
fault.  I am wondering how this would be interepreted under Colregs?  The third 
boat was involved only as a witness


Thankfully I was not involved in this in any way.




Halifax, NS


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Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
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