JAM vs Spinnaker racing
Moving up to Spinnaker racing was always my goal.  It's a way to learn more 
about sailing and racing and the ultimate test of ones skills and a way to 
measure improvements.  But it requires more hands, more crew and more crew 
skills, more money, more tactical/sailing skill.

The boats winning JAM have new white $ails while the boats winning the spin 
class have new black $ail$ for upwind and new colored $ail$ for downwind.   
Plus, the competition among Spinnaker fleet seems a lot more aggressive at the 
start and unforgiving.

I am for whatever gets people out sailing, using their boats more; racing, 
cruising distances or just daysailing more, instead of the boats sitting idle 
at the dock.

Chuck Scheaffer, Resolute, 1989 C&C 34R

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