Another thing to check is salvage vs. repair coverage. If you just have say 
$50K of hull insurance with no salvage, if it takes $25K to salvage the boat 
you now have $25Kleft to fix the boat. For a difficult salvage and an old boat 
you could easily end up with nothing left.
BOATUS used to have superb coverage and the claim I had with them was handled 
over the phone, they said just have the yard fax the bill over when they are 
done. At some point they went from the best to the worst, for old boats they 
are essentially just liability now. My hope now is that Progressive doesn’t get 
nailed with a huge hurricane loss and double their rates. Speaking of, I have 3 
policies with them, one for Coquina, one for the dinghy, and one for the 
Whaler. There was some deal where the dinghy could be included with the mother 
ship, but I heard it was better not to do this because of something with the 
deductible.  I can’t recall the details, but the cost for the two small boats 
is maybe $200 or so per year for both of them.

Joe Della Barba
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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