This is a classic great business owner not having systems in place and not
charging enough or don’t know there numbers
To hire people to do the work and give good quality service
I’m guilty of charge too with my business
These business will close

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 9:25 AM Bill Coleman via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Sorry for the late response, Brian I had to think about this one. As far
> as I know, they are still in business. Having said that, my experience with
> them has been less of them stellar. I was a little apprehensive of them, as
> they had stiffed me for a bill around $100 some 16 or 17 years ago. Then,
> about 4 years ago I got a boat that happened to be in Jabin's Yard where
> Annapolis rigging is located. The previous owner had put a 50% deposit on a
> Duneema backstay Jay was supposed to produce. He was nice enough to let me
> borrow a sawzall I needed to get the mast out. And I thought maybe I've
> misjudged this fellow. I was pretty happy for the loan at the time, so  I
> sent him $100 worth of extra Sazall blades. Then I had him rebuild a couple
> of SailTec backstay adjusters that he was qualified to repair. It took many
> calls ( unanswered or unreplied to,) trips by myself and others and finally
> just going over there and getting them from one of his employees - he said
> that they weren't completely bench tested, but I said That's okay Just give
> them to me and I'll pay you. He said the dynema back stays were on
> backorder, coming from Europe, and would take another 6 months. Well, long
> story short, (too late)I never got the backstays, but I did get to talk to
> a fellow at Annapolis Boat Show who represented the company that makes the
> dyneema backstays, ( can't remember the name right now )and he arranged to
> have them made in just a couple of weeks through through The Rigging
> Company, which is just west of Annapolis rigging by about 300 or 400 ft.
>  I'm guessing probably a former employee who saw that people needed another
> alternative. So I ended up getting the back stay for four grand from the
> Rigging  Company and lost 1800 to Jay. One of life's lessons. As my
> daughter always says, life is hard.
> Bill Coleman
> Entrada Erie PA
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2022, 05:58 nausetbeach--- via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> Does anyone in the Annapolis area know if Annapolis Rigging is still in
>> business?
>> Their voice mail box is full and is not accepting any calls.  Jay does
>> not respond to emails.
>> Am not local [~ 280 miles away] so cannot just drive by.
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
> --
Joel Delamirande
* <>*

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