Atomic 4 are really reliable and need very little to run  ( good spark, 
compression and almost any gas ).A sudden stop will typically have one of two 
causes, water in fuel or ignition coil ( overheating or short-circuit ). 
For water try adding 8 ounces of gas line antifreeze ( methyl hydrate available 
at most hardware stores ). A good RACOR fuel filter with 10 microns will 
prevent that.For the coil, try waiting 15-20 minutes so it cool off and 
restart, if not well you have a spare coil on the boat right?
For the slippage, maybe some kind of cavitation. If it happens with reverse 
make sure you are only using straight 30-grade oil or motorcycle oil ( I've 
been using 10w40 Castrol motorcycle oil for the last 26 years. Modern oils have 
way too much antifriction additives and lack the famous ZDDP that used to be 
added to protect engines.Don Moyer made a good video on youtube to help 
troubleshoot sudden engine powerdown.

    On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 01:43:08 AM EDT, Karl Kuzis via CnC-List 
<> wrote:  
 Since we are on stories of oddness I have 2.
First, when cruising along at modest rpm, will have a sudden shut down. Just 
off. No change in sound, smell, rpm, etc just as if ignition switch cut out. 
Suspecting a loose connection I proofed all wires / connections and we'll test 
it out cruising around next week. Any odd ideas to keep in mind?
Second, episodically when motoring at higher rpm close to hull speed will have 
a sudden racing of the engine with loss of power. Pull back throttle, and goes 
back to normal but not unusual to reoccur. Haven't noticed it at lower speed or 
rpm.I'm suspicious of cavitation but haven't thought it thru as to causes, 
tests of theory, remedies or other options. Thoughts?
C&C 29 Mark 1 with a recently rebuilt Atomic 4 and 2 bade folding prop.
Karl Kuzis Firefly C&C 
On Tue, Jun 13, 2023, 3:18 AM Korbey Hunt via CnC-List <> 

Scary stuff. Frustrating when "professionals" muck things up.

Get Outlook for AndroidFrom: Todd Williams via CnC-List <>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 6:40:52 PM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Todd Williams <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Engine strangeness Jon and others,
Until two years ago, my boat also used to stall in idle when approaching docks. 
Then, midway across Lake Ontario from Cape Vincent to Sodus on a calm day the 
fresh water pump/antifreeze circulator seized up. There was melting belt rubber 
with smoke as the bearings stopped turning. Five days and $56 later I had a new 
antifreeze circulator in place and we haven’t stalled out since. The friction 
in the bearings were enough to strain the engine into a stall.
On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 7:26 PM JP Mail via CnC-List <> 

Previous boat
‘79 Nicholson 303
Yanmar 2qm15
320 hrs. 

Starts and runs all day. Slowing while approaching a dock-stalls.
Change filters, check for loose fuel lines, change crush washers…..
Approaching a dock….stall. Always while slowing down. 
Approaching the fuel dock at Dodson’s was told “I’m going there!” By the nice 
man on his Hinckley.  My response, “Sorry,(engine stalls) I am.
The fuel pickup was at the forward end of the cylindrical tank. When I slowed, 
all the crud would slosh forward and block the pickup causing a stall.
Unfortunately the yard cleaned the tank and replaced it. they also 
inadvertently punctured it and diesel would run out the bottom. Found this out 
after a day sailing. Back to the yard and a new tank was installed.
Unfortunately they inadvertently severed the propane line while cutting a 2” 
hole in a bulkhead to run a new vent line. It was obscured by the insulation. 
Found this out when it blew up. With 2 of us onboard. ‘Nother story. I’m sure I 
told it here at some point.
Jon Pratt
Hideaway 35-3
Stamford CT
Sent from my iPhone
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