
Just playing around with the cobbler web interface and the command
line, I see that profiles created via the two different interfaces
aren't the same. In fact, what I did is:

1) First using the cli: "cobbler profile add --name=junk
--parent=SL-EPEL-6-x86_64". At this point issuing "cobbler profile
report --name=junk" gives:

Name                           : junk
Comment                        :
DHCP Tag                       : <<inherit>>
Distribution                   : <<inherit>>
Enable PXE Menu?               : <<inherit>>
Kernel Options                 : <<inherit>>
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : <<inherit>>
Kickstart                      : <<inherit>>
Kickstart Metadata             : <<inherit>>
Management Classes             : <<inherit>>
Name Servers                   : []
Name Servers Search Path       : []
Owners                         : ['admin']
Parent Profile                 : SL-EPEL-6-x86_64
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Repos                          : <<inherit>>
Server Override                : <<inherit>>
Template Files                 : <<inherit>>
Virt Auto Boot                 : <<inherit>>
Virt Bridge                    : <<inherit>>
Virt CPUs                      : <<inherit>>
Virt File Size(GB)             : <<inherit>>
Virt Path                      : <<inherit>>
Virt RAM (MB)                  : <<inherit>>
Virt Type                      : <<inherit>>

2) Now I selected that profile in cobbler web, didn't change a single
setting, but clicked 'save'. Now issuing "cobbler profile report
--name=junk" gives:
Name                           : junk
Comment                        :
DHCP Tag                       : <<inherit>>
Distribution                   : <<inherit>>
Enable PXE Menu?               : False
Kernel Options                 : {}
Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
Kickstart                      : <<inherit>>
Kickstart Metadata             : {}
Management Classes             : <<inherit>>
Name Servers                   : []
Name Servers Search Path       : []
Owners                         : ['admin']
Parent Profile                 : SL-EPEL-6-x86_64
Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
Repos                          : []
Server Override                : <<inherit>>
Template Files                 : {}
Virt Auto Boot                 : 0
Virt Bridge                    : <<inherit>>
Virt CPUs                      : <<inherit>>
Virt File Size(GB)             : <<inherit>>
Virt Path                      : <<inherit>>
Virt RAM (MB)                  : <<inherit>>
Virt Type                      : xenpv

Notice that now the repo list is empty i.e. sub-profiles created in
the cobbler web interface don't inherit repos, whereas they do with
the cli. Furthermore, notice that other settings are now different,
including Virt Type, Virt Auto Boot, etc.

Is this different behaviour expected/by design, or have the cli and
web interfaces diverged somewhat?

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