On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:10 AM, Vreman, Peter <peter.vre...@acision.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 14:20:15 -0400, Stephen Potter <s...@unixsa.net>
>> wrote:
>> > On 3/24/2011 9:52 AM, Scott Henson wrote:
>> > > On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:52:14 +0000, Jonathan
>> Underwood<jonathan.underw...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> > >> Is this different behaviour expected/by design, or have the cli
>> and
>> > >> web interfaces diverged somewhat?
>> > > It isn't expected, but it is known. Basically the web interface
>> > > doesn't have a good mechanism for telling what you actually
>> changed,
>> > > so it saves everything. You basically end up with getting the
>> > > defaults of the web interface. I don't have any good thoughts on
>> how to fix it at this time though.
>> >
>> > Both the CLI and the web interface should give the same defaults.  As
>> > I remember the original post, the only things that were set with the
>> > CLI were the host name and the profile, everything else was default.
>> > It isn't a matter of knowing what was changed, the defaults should
>> > still be the same defaults no matter what the interface.
>> The nature of the web interface is that it fills out the web page with
>> everything that it gets back from cobblerd in the xmlrpc response. Then
>> it sends back the edit request with everything it gets from the web
>> page. So you end up with things getting set that the user never intends
>> to set. I don't really know of any way to fix this. I've been
>> considering trying to fix this at the xmlrpc layer, but we would have
>> to do session handling and that is slightly undesirable.
>> If anyone has ideas on how to fix this, I'd be open to hearing them.
>> Basically we would need to figure out how to do lossless translation
>> between the various formats used (internal cobbler, xmlrpc, web).
> A possible solution is to use jQuery to save the original data of the input 
> elements. And during a submitting only include the input elements that are 
> changed. If detecting changes is implemented with a class then pending 
> changes on the page can even be highlighted with css.
> There are a couple of (dirty) form plugins available for jquery that can be 
> used.

I'm also not sure why sessions are out of consideration, it's pretty
simple to do that with django. In fact it's already done for the login

When editing, first check to see if the object being edited is stored
in the session. If not, save the fields data in the session. When the
object is saved remove the field data from the session.
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