On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 07:12:09 -0500, James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net> wrote:
> >
> > A possible solution is to use jQuery to save the original data of the input 
> > elements. And during a submitting only include the input elements that are 
> > changed. If detecting changes is implemented with a class then pending 
> > changes on the page can even be highlighted with css.
> >
> > There are a couple of (dirty) form plugins available for jquery that can be 
> > used.
> I'm also not sure why sessions are out of consideration, it's pretty
> simple to do that with django. In fact it's already done for the login
> part.
> When editing, first check to see if the object being edited is stored
> in the session. If not, save the fields data in the session. When the
> object is saved remove the field data from the session.

My opposition to sessions was at the xmlrpc layer. I'm fine with
sessions on the web side, and I believe we already do that to track
searches and do paging.

What I did not want to do is to keep track of sessions at the xmlrpc
layer. We have the xedit api that allows a user of the xmlrpc api to
make specific changes to objects instead of saving the whole object. I'd
much prefer to see the web interface use that instead.

I'm not a very good with django, I'd love to see a patch to fix this.

Scott Henson
Red Hat CIS Operator

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