Situational ethics alive and well.  Civil disobedience is standing up for 
what you believe to be unjust to society.  It's not breaking the rules just 
so that you can add a bird to your life list. Nor is it asking nuns to do 
your dirty work for you.

I see lots of posts here and on other birding lists along the lines of 
"Please, if  you come to see XYZ, respect the property owner and don't 
trample his grass or kill his small barking dog".  But I guess if it's a 
good bird, say goodbye to the dog!

What is the CFO position on this?

I've lurked here for years and joined this list specifically to post this. 
 I hope the list owners don't see fit to terminate me for this; that would 
say a lot in and of itself.

On Friday, November 23, 2012 11:03:01 AM UTC-7, Joe Roller wrote:
> Dismayed at the officiousness of the Bear Creek Lake Park rangers, I 
> worked up my indignation and managed to find a "work-around."
> After many phone-calls and emails, I established contact with the three 
> nuns (Sister Anne Marie, Sister Elizabeth and Sister Bernadette) who 
> visited the Park the other day. They agreed 
> to take a big bag of birdseed to the Brambling hangout tomorrow. Too busy 
> today. Others will have to sneak some (seed, not nuns) into the park
> on other days. 
> If you missed rebelling in the sixties and did not burn your draft card, 
> here is your chance to step
> forward into the exciting world of civil disobedience!
> Three of us are signed up so far to either go your bail or visit you in 
> jail.
> Joe Roller, 
> Denver

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