> On 29 Nov 2016, at 03:33, Doug Hill <cocoa...@breaqz.com> wrote:
> A couple of things to note:
> In any case it's a bad idea to select the exact font since you have to choose 
> SF Display or Text which you don't want to do. It should be dynamically 
> selected at runtime based on the font size. This behavior is supported by 
> using System Font.
> Anyways, I would check the font at runtime to make sure it’s SF.

thinFont =  <UICTFont:> font-family: “.SFUIDisplay-Ultralight"; font-weight: 
normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 70.00pt

> Otherwise, you need a font that supports the Vertically Centered Colon font 
> feature. You can check this feature by doing the following:
> • Select your desired font on your Mac for the attributed string in the font 
> panel
> • Click the Gear icon in the upper-left corner.
> • Select Typography…
> • Select 'Alternative Stylistic Sets'
> • Select ‘Vertically Centered Colon'

Well, this is kind of difficult: the Font Panel does not show fonts which have 
names which start with ‘.’.
So: no SF fonts in my Font Panel.

> Furthermore, I don’t see a way to set these  'Alternative Stylistic' 
> attributes from UIAttributedText.

Can be done like this:

NSDictionary *featureCenteredColon = @{ UIFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey:         
UIFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey:     @(kStylisticAltThreeOnSelector)
NSArray *featureArray = @[ featureCenteredColon ];
NSDictionary *featureAtribute = @{ UIFontDescriptorFeatureSettingsAttribute: 
featureArray };

UIFontDescriptor *thinDescriptor = thinFont.fontDescriptor;
UIFontDescriptor *newDescr = [ thinDescriptor fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes: 
featureAtribute ];
UIFont *betterThinFont = [ UIFont fontWithDescriptor: newDescr  size: pointSize 

> A little experimentation might find the right one.

A “little” is kind of misleading. There are about 40 features, with up to 20 
alternatives each.

> OK, after doing some tests, UILabel indeed behaves like you mentioned with 
> the SF font. If there aren't numbers on either side of the colon, no vertical 
> centering. My guess would see if you can attempt to set the 
> kStylisticAlternativesType attribute, as noted below, but as previously 
> mentioned, will probably not work automatically due to the different fonts 
> for the numerals around the colon.
> At this point, I’d say your working solution is probably as good as you're 
> going to get.

After you kindly mentioned kStylisticAlternativesType I started to try this. 
The documentation is quite helpful in mentioning that some flag “Turns the nth 
set of alternates on or off” for n = 1 … 20.

And luckily kStylisticAltThreeOnSelector does indeed turn centred colons on.

So now I have two working solutions: 
1. getting the special glyph for the centered colon (as suggested by Alistair) 
2. using kStylisticAltThreeOnSelector (as suggested by you).

Thanks a lot. The hint of “kStylisticAlternativesType” was extremely helpful!

Kind regards,


>> On Nov 28, 2016, at 11:12 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <gerri...@icloud.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 28 Nov 2016, at 23:42, Alastair Houghton <alast...@alastairs-place.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 28 Nov 2016, at 16:18, Gerriet M. Denkmann <gerri...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 28 Nov 2016, at 22:13, Eric E. Dolecki <edole...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> You could probably use an attributed string and add an attribute for the 
>>>>> last colon: NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName
>>>> Yes; but this would be some rather desperate work-around.
>>>> I was rather thinking of UIFontDescriptorFeatureSettingsAttribute with 
>>>> some Feature type from SFNTLayoutTypes.h (in CoreText).
>>>> I tried a few types, but no success so far.
>>> The problem you’ve got is that unless the font has a feature that 
>>> specifically allows you to change *any* colon (as opposed to a colon 
>>> between two numerals), you aren’t going to be able to do it by turning on 
>>> an OpenType feature.  Even if you can, there doesn’t appear to be a 
>>> standard feature code for this, so you’d be reliant on Apple not changing 
>>> it in the future.
>> The WWDC 2015 talk seemed to suggest that there is a standard feature for 
>> this.
>> But there are about 40 feature types in SFNTLayoutTypes.h - no idea what to 
>> use.
>>> What you *could* do instead is get Core Text (or Cocoa Text) to lay out a 
>>> string e.g. “12:00”, then grab the glyph for the centred colon directly 
>>> from that string and use it explicitly, e.g. by attaching a 
>>> kCTGlyphInfoAttributeName attribute to your string with the value set to an 
>>> appropriately constructed CTGlyphInfoRef.
>> done once:
>> CGRect frame = { {0,0},{99,99}};     
>> UITextView *dummyTextView = [ [UITextView alloc] initWithFrame: frame 
>> textContainer: nil ];
>> dummyTextView.text = @“23:21”;
>> dummyTextView.font = thinFont;
>> NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = dummyTextView.layoutManager;
>> [ layoutManager ensureGlyphsForCharacterRange: range ];
>> [ layoutManager ensureLayoutForCharacterRange: range ];
>> NSUInteger glyphIndex = [ layoutManager glyphIndexForCharacterAtIndex: 2 ];
>> centeredColonGlyph = [ layoutManager CGGlyphAtIndex: glyphIndex ];;
>> and then:
>> CFMutableAttributedStringRef aStr = (__bridge 
>> CFMutableAttributedStringRef)attributedString;
>> CTFontRef fontRiff = (__bridge CTFontRef)thinFont;
>> CTGlyphInfoRef glyInfRef = CTGlyphInfoCreateWithGlyph( centeredColonGlyph, 
>> fontRiff, (CFStringRef)@":" );
>> CFRange range = { (CFIndex)colonIndex, 1 };
>> CFAttributedStringSetAttribute( aStr, range, kCTGlyphInfoAttributeName, 
>> glyInfRef );
>> CFRelease(glyInfRef);
>> This seems to be working. Nut sure whether there is a more elegant way.
>> Thanks a lot for your help!
>> Kind regards,
>> Gerriet.


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