> On 23 Jun 2017, at 23:37, Jens Alfke <j...@mooseyard.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 23, 2017, at 8:45 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann <gerri...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> the image looks fine, but when I write subData to disk, it has 64 x 64 
>> pixels.
> You’re probably running this on a computer with a Retina display, so NSImage 
> creates a 2x-resolution backing store by default.
Yes, you are right; I should have mentioned this.

> Try creating an NSBitmapImageRep directly, then focus on it and draw.
> —Jens

> By making the NSBitMapRepresentation yourself, creating a context for it, 
> drawing to that.
> —Graham

You severely underestimate the depth of my ignorance. It took me half a day to 
fathom your (for me) cryptic remarks.
But thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction!

This is what I did come up with (all error handling removed)  (things I am not 
quite sure are marked with “??”).
If there is anything I am doing wrong (or could do better) please tell me:

- (NSData *)subImagePngDataWithRect: (NSRect)subRect  useColour: (BOOL)useColour
        //      1.      create newSubRep (NSBitmapImageRep)
        NSString *colorSpaceName = useColour ? NSDeviceRGBColorSpace : 
NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace; //      ??
        NSInteger samplesPerPixel = useColour ? 4 : 2;  

        NSInteger pixelsWide = (NSInteger)ceil(subRect.size.width);
        NSInteger pixelsHigh = (NSInteger)ceil(subRect.size.height);
        NSInteger bitsPerSample = 8;    
        NSInteger bitsPerPixel = samplesPerPixel * bitsPerSample;       
        NSInteger bytesPerRow = pixelsWide * bitsPerPixel / 8;  
        //       there is another initializer with bitmapFormat - don't know 
what to use 
        NSBitmapImageRep *newSubRep =   [ [NSBitmapImageRep alloc]      
initWithBitmapDataPlanes:       NULL
                pixelsWide:                             pixelsWide
                pixelsHigh:                             pixelsHigh
                bitsPerSample:                  bitsPerSample 
                samplesPerPixel:                        samplesPerPixel
                hasAlpha:                               YES 
                isPlanar:                                       NO      //      
                bytesPerRow:                            bytesPerRow
                bitsPerPixel:                           bitsPerPixel

        //      2.      create context (NSGraphicsContext) from newSubRep and 
make it current
        NSGraphicsContext *context = [ NSGraphicsContext 
graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep: newSubRep ];
        [ NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: context ];
        //      3.      draw allRep (NSBitmapImageRep) to currentContext
        NSBitmapImageRep *allRep = (NSBitmapImageRep 
        NSRect destRect = NSZeroRect; destRect.size = subRect.size;
        BOOL ok =       [ allRep        drawInRect:             destRect 
                                                fromRect:               subRect 
                                                respectFlipped: NO      //      
                                                hints:                  nil
        //      4. get pngData from newSubRep
        return [ newSubRep representationUsingType: NSPNGFileType  properties: 
@{} ];



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