On Oct 10, 2008, at 00:31, Graham Cox wrote:

I do tend to agree that it's not a place users should be visiting routinely, and the app itself should offer an interface where necessary to manage its own stuff in there. As with prefs, odds are that the only time a user will ever go in there is to fix a problem with a damaged file, so there's no clear advantage to making it different from the preferences situation that I can see. Why is anyone poking around in there? (Not a rhetorical question, I'm interested in knowing what people do visit that folder for).

I can't document this completely, but my understanding is that Application Support is one folder in Library that users *may* visit "routinely". In particular, a drag-installed application may put files in Application Support, and if such an application is drag-uninstalled (i.e. moved to the trash) the user gets to decide whether to keep the stuff it put in Application Support, or whether to drag that stuff to the trash too.


http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSystem/Articles/LibraryDirectory.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/20002282

Application Support
Contains application-specific data and support files such as ... . By convention, all of these items should be put in a subdirectory named after the application. For example, third-party resources for the application MyApp would go in Application Support/MyApp/. Note that required resources should go inside the application bundle itself.

And from:


Don’t Pollute User Space

... Even if your application provides clip art or sample files that the user would normally manipulate, you should place those files in either the local or user’s Library/Application Support directory by default. The user can move or copy files from this directory as desired. If you are concerned about the user finding these files, you should include a way for the user to browse or access them directly from your application’s user interface.

Whether or not it would be better for users to see bundle identifiers in Application Support -- and I happen to think it would not -- the current state of play seems to mandate the application name, not the bundle identifier.



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