Jacek Ambroziak wrote:
> --- Berin Loritsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>>>"Jacek R. Ambroziak" wrote:
>>>Anyway, seriously, XSLTC *is* a solution to the
>>XSLT bottleneck problem.
>>My question is this:  how does it _scale_.
>>I would like to see the *same* tests with 100
>>threads each performing
>>500 translations (yes they can have their own
>>instance of the translet
>>in each thread as is necessary).  I would like to
>>see that in comparison
>>to Xalan and Saxon.
> Have you tested Xalan/Saxon/XSLTC in your
> multithreaded environment?
> I don't see a priori reasons why translets should
> scale worse...

I have run Xalan and Saxon (As have just about every other
Cocooner).  For the low volume highly personalized webapps
I generally create, it is ok.  However, I have seen much
room for improvement--server side caching helps.

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