> yes, automatically generated, but the 'XSLT to bytecode' patterns have
> been manually crafted, right? and I'm pretty sure that you guys crafted
> them based on the assumption on how the underlying JVM was going to
> interpret them. Which shows why it is faster on the Sun 1.3.1 JVM (but
> this is just my hypotesis)

  I think this is more of a coincidence. Translets try to allocate as few 
objects as possible. Other JVM's may be better optimized for object 
creation/initialization. Sun's, on the other hand, does a pretty good 
job finding the "hot spots" and this could be the reason why translets 
run fast.
  As to why 1.4 is slower? This is puzzling. The first thing that comes 
to mind is the new assertion mechanism but, as far as I know, it is 
completely turned off by default (or isn't?).

-- Santiago Pericas

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