
Your document contributions will be appreciated.
As you are probably aware Diana Shannon is driving this effort currently.
You may want to get in touch with her to obtain a list of pending documents.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mikhail Fedotov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Cocoon article on JDJ

> Hi!
> > This once again clearly shows that Cocoon needs marketing
> > !
> Good point, but I've been trying to do some basic stuff in
> cocoon for the last few days. I was able to do all
> information I want, but at least half of that information
> come from java sources. I've been had to use full-text
> search in local copy of cvs!
> That's not documentation; while core concepts are clear (at
> least, I understand them), smaller parts are almost
> non-documented. Even matchers could be used as en example:
> I've been had to check out sample application to understand
> how wildcard session parameter matcher works, and don't yet
> understand how request parameter matcher works.
> If we don't want to frighten people right after they came
> to play with c2 their first time, those things must be
> documented. I.e. there should be centralized and unified
> documentation list for all components like matchers or
> database actions. Almost noone will look in sources
> comparing to the whole crowd of potential users.
> So, docs first, then (optionally) write current plans and
> components in development, including scratchpad, and then
> it will be perfect time for marketing.
> The best thing is that both parts (I don't count marketing)
> are very simple. Requred docs can be no more verbose than
> javadocs, i.e. context of use, parameters, short (and maybe
> long) description and examples.
> ps. I could try to work on it if I'll pass my current
> exams.
> Mikhail
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