On Friday, June 7, 2002, at 12:56  PM, Mikhail Fedotov wrote:

>> We are perfectly aware of the issues with documentation
> ...and I'm aware that you are aware of it, sorry for
> bothering. :) But...
>> and we are moving as fast as we can to improve things,
>> believe me, also along with the forrest effort.
>> I'm pretty sure that things will be better in time and
>> the fact that more and more articles come up is a
>> pretty good sign of it anyway.
> ...but I wanted to say that if there will be _simple_
> standardised way to document _anything_ in Cocoon in the
> same manner (no matter if it is db action or xsp
> logicheet), we can create simple encyclopedy with short
> descriptions for all basic and advanced cocoon2 elements,
> and things will more faster.
> I think it would be highly reasonable to create alphabetic
> dictionary of all cocoon elements no matter there they
> belongs with short descriptions of them. It should be very
> easy to maintaint it, that's why it is a good thing.
> This seems to be an important point - if there will be easy
> way to create simple and short documentation, more people
> will write it, and there will be more documentation.

I agree. So why not start *now*. In head and release branches already, 
and coming soon on the the live site, you will find everything you need 
to make a simple and short but very valuable contribution to Cocoon 
docs. Contribute an FAQ, a Code Snippet, a How-To. They are deliberately 
granular, designed to serve as building blocks for more sophisticated 
content later. You'll find How-To instructions on how to do 
everything -- authoring, patch preparation, submitting via Bugzilla. 
You'll even find a few examples to get you started.

Right now, we're making the best use of existing resources, what we can 
use *now*: Bugzilla, cvs, Cocoon, XML, and best of all, people (editors, 
other authors, reviewers, committers) who care. Trust me, you'll find it 
quick and easy, once you take a few minutes to learn how.  Why wait for 
Wiki when we can start writing now? I know many are excited about the 
prospect of using technologies like Wiki, topic maps, CMS, etc. Well, 
*none* of it will make a big difference without content. As a hungry 
user myself, I can't get too much content about Cocoon. I don't care how 
it arrives, how it is transformed, or how it is managed. I just want 

You know what's probably going to make the biggest short term difference 
with Cocoon documentation? Well, it's based on a 500+ year-old 
technology known as the printing press. As a user, I can't wait to read 
Carsten and Matthew's (and other) forthcoming books. Still, *everyone* 
can contribute docs, and you can do it right now. Carve out a niche for 
yourself as an author. If it's useful to others, your work will be 
published the Cocoon's web site! Just as Cocoon provides endless 
possibilities to build cool stuff, it also affords us an unlimited 
amount of creative space to write about it.

Why wait?


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