Berin Loritsch wrote:

> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> Ok, I think we should have a look at a features list of fortress
>> and merlin compared to the ECM.
>> Is this somewhere available?
>> I learned by this thread that some marker interface are not
>> available anymore and have to be configured somewhere for fortress.
>> Is this right?
>> So which marker interfaces are concerned? C
>> How much effort is it to still support those marker interfaces without
>> needing the extra configuration?
> There is no way to do it in Merlin.  There are other things such as
> no real support for the ServiceSelector.

Both of these points can be dealt with using a lifestyle manager. The 
current implemetation does not currently provide support for the 
Selector interface - instead selection policy is provided to the 
container and the client will receive the preferred selection based on 
the supplied policy. A second reason is that the policy of appending the 
string "Selector" to an interface as the means though which policy is 
declared to a container is inconsitent with the concept of component 
scoped role names.  Finally, logical concerning selection can be far 
reaching - Merlin provides support for the dynamic creation of 
components, different component profiles, programmatically constructured 
component profiles, etc.  Simply requesting all know services of a 
particular type under a component selector forces the instantiation of 
all candidate profiles - whereas supplying the selection policy enables 
the container to do the selection without actually instantiating the 
component - in fact components are not normally instantiated until the 
client actually invokes lookup on the component or service manager.

Cheers, Steve.

> With Fortress, it is relatively easy: extend AbstractContainer (like
> DefaultContainer does).  Change the configure() method to act like
> the current ECM version.
> You can get the Recyclable interface working by implementing an Accessor
> lifecycle extension.
> As to a complete feature list, there is none out there--perhaps that
> can be a new documentation page.


Stephen J. McConnell

digital products for a global economy

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