Stephen McConnell wrote:
> Berin Loritsch wrote:
>> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>>> Ok, I think we should have a look at a features list of fortress
>>> and merlin compared to the ECM.
>>> Is this somewhere available?
>>> I learned by this thread that some marker interface are not
>>> available anymore and have to be configured somewhere for fortress.
>>> Is this right?
>>> So which marker interfaces are concerned? C
>>> How much effort is it to still support those marker interfaces without
>>> needing the extra configuration?
>> There is no way to do it in Merlin.  There are other things such as
>> no real support for the ServiceSelector.
> Both of these points can be dealt with using a lifestyle manager. The 
> current implemetation does not currently provide support for the 
> Selector interface - instead selection policy is provided to the 
> container and the client will receive the preferred selection based on 
> the supplied policy. A second reason is that the policy of appending the 
> string "Selector" to an interface as the means though which policy is 
> declared to a container is inconsitent with the concept of component 
> scoped role names.  Finally, logical concerning selection can be far 
> reaching - Merlin provides support for the dynamic creation of 
> components, different component profiles, programmatically constructured 
> component profiles, etc.  Simply requesting all know services of a 
> particular type under a component selector forces the instantiation of 
> all candidate profiles - whereas supplying the selection policy enables 
> the container to do the selection without actually instantiating the 
> component - in fact components are not normally instantiated until the 
> client actually invokes lookup on the component or service manager.

My oppologies for some of our Avalon disagreements spilling over on
to Cocoon space.  The bottom line is this: if you want things to
function as similarly as they have in the past, use Fortress in its
current incarnation.  As we work through the disagreements (on the
Avalon Dev group) we will make our decisions public.  I designed
Fortress to ease the migration from "Selector" to not needing it.
More on that will be posted on the web page when I write the docs.


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