David Crossley wrote:
When we
need to introduce new people to PMC membership and retire
old ones, we need a consistent definition of "PMC membership".
Just my 2c, but IMHO anyone that partecipates actively on the list with discussions, suggestion and social engineering is "active".

Probably it's the "committer" part that is confusing, since it's more about "committable", ie who has the right to commit.

As for retirement and taking new ones, ATM I don't see a problem in having them deemed inactive if they do not partecipate for some time, having "partecipate" a quite wide meaning.

For example, Ross Gardler has not really committed bif stuff since some time now on Krysalis, but I honestly do consider him "active", since he has been really helping with suggestions, tips, discussions and so on. I would never retire someone like him :-)

I'll leave the definition of the details to others though, these are just my two pennies.

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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